Meena’s comments on pileated woodpeckers in suburban and urban areas reminded 
me that I found one (vocalizing frequently) in a tree in a parking lot next to 
Risley Hall on the Cornell campus one morning during spring break, probably 
March 24.  (Risley is just north of the Thurston Ave. bridge over Fall Creek.)  
I can hardly recall this species being reported before from the central 
campus/residence hall area.  But perhaps I am just forgetful or unobservant 
(both true).

Lindsay Goodloe

On 4/18/10 9:03 PM, "Meena Haribal" <> wrote:

I recently seem to be seeing Pileateds in suburban and urban areas. Today  I 
was driving on Spencer road when I saw a Pileated fly on to a tree  near the 
car wash. Recently, I have seen Pileateds from the bus in East Ithaca area, one 
at the junction of Honness and Pine Tree Road, one on Synder Hill Road, one on 
Snyder Hill and Sky Vue road.   Looks like they are moving into more populated 

A dead trunk on maple on my driveway is being excavated buy a woodpecker. There 
is big hole and large  chunks of wood on the driveway. Don’t know who is doing 
it. I know Red-bellied is around the yard whole lot of time.  I will keep watch.

A robin has built a nest in my yews, must be the same female who used to attack 
me in my garden last year.  I was standing in the living room inside the house 
and male saw me and started giving alarm call. She popped out of the bush to 
check out the intruder or danger.

In Mundy the Pileateds are nesting in a large Sycamore this year.  A few days 
ago, I saw a male drumming on a dead trunk. When I looked at him, I found that 
the lower part below the lower beak was all red, I thought he was bleeding 
after drumming :)) So I looked at him with my binoculars that is when I 
realized that it was  his plumage! I had never seen this character! I came back 
and checked the field guide to see that the red is nicely depicted in the book! 
After seeing the picture,  I felt a little embarrassed that I had never seen 
this character in last 16 years!

 But hey that shows there is lots to learn about everyday subjects!

Meena Haribal
Ithaca NY


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