Hi all,
On Sunday Stuart Krasnoff and I spent some time on Rail Road Marsh and other 
spots of MNWR.
Highlights were several calling marsh birds.  Moorhens were going nuts! We also 
heard (only through the telinga mic), both American and Least Bitterns, Sora 
(just called couple of times in an hour or so), and tons of Marsh Wrens, Swamp 
Sparrows, Yellow Warblers, Song Sparrows. I saw and heard a Sandhill Crane.  We 
also watched 11+ BLACK TERNS migrating and were calling while migrating. Later 
we saw a few more from Van Dyne Spoor road. One Marsh Wren was very 
co-operative and sang in front of us while ducking back and forth into cattail 
and out of it.

At Marten's tract I heard a rattling buzz, that sounded like wren coming from 
the grassy patch on left of the viewing area. By the time I went to the car,  
got the mic out he shut up (as usual) and I did see a small wren like bird fly 
across.  I came home  and listened to Sedge Wren calls on the internet and at 
Xeno Canto and some of the rattling calls had some similarities. I wish I had 
recorded it. But it is heads up for those people who have time to go and check 

On Armitage road we heard a Cerulean, later saw one at the Visitor Center  and 
saw a Tennessee, possibly there was another singing nearby.

>From the Tschache viewing tower in the distance we watched a pair of terns 
>allo-feeding.  After several looks through my scope and Stuart's scope and the 
>male's flight I think they were probably a pair of common terns.  We also 
>watched one Osprey being harassed by five Bald Eagles.
The Osprey nest near Lock 26 on Rt 89 at May's point seem to have been 
destroyed. I don't know if it was purposely removed or it fell off in one of 
the recent windy days.
We also saw some other usual birds.


Meena Haribal
Ithaca NY


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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