I was at Lindsay Parsons yesterday ~1-3pm, and the first loud voice I
heard was one in a tree by the first field, which I could neither
identify nor locate visually until, after some 10 minutes of repeating
the same song, it flitted away across the field. I have a lousy
iPhone-recording here:


Can someone help with the ID? My fleeting glimpse of it flitting away
suggested something sparrow-like.

Later, after another exasperating failure to visually locate a really
loud field sparrow that should've been "right there" -- during which a
very loud yellow-billed cuckoo also vocalized -- I was eventually
rewarded by a fantastic view of the Y.B. cuckoo, preening then calling
again for good measure before disappearing into the woods. Other
highlights include visually tracking down a young redstart (not very
red, but very start-ling voice), a good number of chestnut-sided
warblers, and reasonably-close prairie warbler.


P.S. The evening found me at Stewart Park watching a crow chasing a
kingfisher. The kingfisher would continually dive and fly off in the
opposite direction -- apparently a sudden-turn maneuver that gives it
some advantage over the crow which seemed otherwise a faster flyer.

Pre-S. The morning found me driving down Michigan Hollow Road, first
at a spot with a singing black-and-white warbler which chased off two
blackburnians invading its tree, and a breathtaking view of a distant
scarlet tanager perched atop the canopy; then further down the road an
enounter with Meena with a recording dish, puzzling out what she
thought was probably the secondary song of chestnut-sided warblers.


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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