Sun. 10/17/10

Seen from Aurora boathouse: Many RB Gulls, 1 GBB Gull, 1 C Loon, many C. Geese. 
Lake was very rough. Worse yesterday.

Myers Cove (North of the creek outlet, Salt Point maybe?? I don't know what 
it's called) 10 or 12 Mallards, 3 WW Scoters, 2 C Loons, 2 juv. B. Eagles, many 
RB Gulls.

Cargill: 1 juv. Bluebird.

Posted on E-Bird for Wed.: 2 adult B. Eagles & 1 Golden flying South, directly 
overhead, not high. Sunlight shining through the white feathers of the Baldie 
made them like a glistening work of art. Daughter just moved back to NY after 
32 yrs. in CO so the Golden was like an old friend. She & CO husband are 
kicking themselves for not moving back to NY many yrs. ago. They love it here.

About an hr. later we (daughter & I) again saw 2 B. Eagles, .... flying North 
over our house, followed shortly by a RT Hawk. We also have up to 17 TVs nearly 
every day. They roost down in the swamp area along the lake but I haven't found 
the exact spot. I see them go down there at dusk & then rise to find high trees 
to sit in in which to absorb warmth of the sun in the morning. Crows mob them 
on occasion.

Union Springs Factory & Mill Ponds cater mostly to Mallards, thus far. More & 
more flocks of Canadas seem to arrive daily to rest on the lake or partake of 
the spillage in the fields.

Have a good week, all.


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