The BLACK VULTURE stayed in a large willow on the grounds of #86 Oakcrest
(but best viewed from mailbox #77) for about an hour after I found it and immediately
sent out the alert.  During that hour I did one taxi run, returned to find Gary Kohlenberg
and Jay & Kevin McGowan soon joined by a guy whose name I should know (Dave
McCartt?) all aiming scopes and cameras at the bird.  I left to do another taxi run, then
wondered why Ann Mitchell, who works close by, hadn't shown up.  I fetched her, but
the perch was empty, and we found Mark Chao staring after only TURKEY VULTURES,
several of which remained in the area.  They were soon joined by Tim Lenz, Jeff Gerbracht,
and another guy I didn't recognize.  I had to leave to pick up another passenger, and when
I drove past with my fare, all birders appeared to be leaving having given up.   I think odds
are very high it is still around and may be found again tomorrow.
--Dave Nutter

On Jan 28, 2011, at 08:47 AM, bob mcguire <> wrote:

I was sitting in the parking lot just east of the Ithaca Mall when, at
9:23 this morning the first of nine vultures flew low overhead, from
south to north. The third bird was a Black Vulture with distinct
silvery tips to the wings and ah somewhat shorter tail. I assume that
this was the same bird that Susan Danskin noted a few days ago. In the
next fifteen minutes a total of nine TV's flew over.

As I write this Dave Nutter has called to say that he has the Black
Vulture perched in a tree along with 3 - 4 TV's about 50 yds north of
mailbox 77 on Oak Crest Rd, just north of the mall.

I note also that I was looking out a north window at Kendall two days
ago when several vultures flew over. That was at 8:25 AM. So it looks
like a group of vultures are roosting somewhere in Cayuga Heights and
leave to the north between 8:15 and 9:15 AM

Bob McGuire


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