We stayed home today 'til about 4 p.m. before going for a leisurely ride & to 
tally osprey nests. Sun was wrong to look at MNWR birds but the carp were all 
along the flooded field next to the Main Drive since the river is quite over 
the banks. 

Besides "ours" with 2 birds on Number One Rd. (extension of Center St., going 
East from the post office about 3/4 mi. to the elec. station, we saw 1 osprey 
on each nest on: Backus Rd., the 1st rd. on the left n. of US; fire lanes 15 & 
17 n. of US; Cayuga .. atop the tall metal tower in the water behind the Beacon 
Mills warehouse; along Seneca River to the right of the bridge on 5 & 20 just 
before MNWR entrance; & the 1st one on 5& 20 over near the lawn mower repair 
place & Rte 89.

I'm sure we'd have seen more if we'd gone north on 89 past Tschache & May's 
Pools to the canal to check those 2 nests & the one on a pole on Armstrong Rd. 
(actually out across the muck across the road from the eagle nest.) We also 
didn't go south of Union Springs (new platform at Dill's Winery needs to be 
watched) to check the Cayuga Lake Farm nest platform up on the top of the hill 
overlooking the lake. It's between Kings Corners Rd. & Levanna Rd., well back 
away from 90 next to the barn. Wednesday I saw 2 birds on the nest there. SO 
.... looks like ospreys are moving in & doing well.

Today we meandered to the refuge via Webb Rd. north of Union Springs where we 
saw 3 Snows & a Blue Goose mixed in with about 75 Canadas at a farm pond. I 
also saw the eagle at Mud Lock feeding a baby.

Becky went birding with me on Wed. to Tomp. Co.. I took her down Sweazy Rd. & 
showed her a dead tree. She immediately spotted an owl in a hole. Looked like a 
Screech owl but the day was gray & dreary & light was poor so maybe someone 
else can find & properly ID it. 

Less than a mi. from her house just before dark she spotted 7 Woodies in a 
puddle in a cornfield. Along with all the other birds & things, including lots 
of loons, 3 different mergs, lots of Horned Grebes, new waterfalls for her, 
etc. we had a great day despite snow & drizzle & she was thrilled .... moved to 
tears when she saw the Woodies.

Nature is great therapy for the soul. Guess I'll stick with it. Blessings,



Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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