Today, from 5:30am to 6:30am, I did not encounter any transient migrants in
the Hawthorn Orchard. It could have been that I was just there too early,
but I certainly suspect that all have picked up and migrated North with the
Southerly winds we've been having. The only potential transient migrant was
a singing EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE in the North ravine area. Other than that, only
locally breeding birds were heard or seen in and around the Hawthorn


I did succeed in locating one of this year's brood of EASTERN SCREECH-OWLS.
One of the adults and single immature bird were perched in the maple grove,
downhill from the Northeast corner. I could hear the immature Eastern
Screech-Owl occasionally producing their short "alarm" moan call. 


While moving West along the North ravine area trail, I heard a couple of
crows going berserk over something. Through the trees, I could see an
American Crow mobbing what I initially thought was probably "just" a Turkey
Vulture; however, upon closer inspection, this bird turned out to be a
juvenile (or even subadult I) plumaged BALD EAGLE. This bird was very low
and may have been perched in the tall oak along the East edge of the
Hawthorn Orchard, since the height, direction, and timing (of onset of
mobbing) was about right.


This year's arrival of Blackpoll Warblers really held true to the statement:
"When the Blackpoll Warblers arrive, migration is over!" Well, I know it's
not totally over for neotropical migrants, but the bulk has certainly moved
on. We'll only be getting individuals or tiny groups of birds here and there
over the next few days.


Good birding!


Chris T-H





Christopher T. Tessaglia-Hymes

TARU Product Line Manager and Field Applications Engineer

Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, New York 14850

W: 607-254-2418   M: 607-351-5740   F: 607-254-1132




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