This morning, I birded the Hawthorn Orchard from about 7:00am to 8:45am. It
was really quiet, but I was please to find two YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHERS
actively foraging and sporadically calling and chasing each other around.


I have placed a handful of recordings up on SoundCloud, including the
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher(s) calling. Unfortunately, I did not capture an
amazing outburst between these two birds when they were chasing each other
around; some of the sounds included a series of Acadian Flycatcher-like
"we-it!" calls. You can listen to these and the other recordings here:


One item of concern from this morning's visit, is that there was a very
noticeable amount of oil slick in standing water around the perimeter of the
North intramural sports ball field and in slowly moving water well into the
middle of the Hawthorn Orchard from about ENE to SW. I had not noticed this
before and I'm not entirely sure where this is coming from, but I'm looking
into it. Some have suggested this is a result of pesticide/herbicide
application; there had been an application vehicle working the South
intramural sports ball field back around the 24th.


Here's a list of the notables for the day:


1 Red-tailed Hawk

1 American Kestrel


1 Eastern Wood-Pewee (NW of Hawthorn Orchard)

2 YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHERS (active in mid-NW area of Hawthorn Orchard;
sporadically calling and chasing each other)


I did not hear the Wood Thrush singing this morning.


3-4 Yellow Warblers

1 Magnolia Warbler (female)

2 American Redstarts

3-4 Common Yellowthroats


2 Indigo Buntings

1 Bobolink (flyover)


Good birding!


Chris T-H




Christopher T. Tessaglia-Hymes

TARU Product Line Manager and Field Applications Engineer

Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, New York 14850

W: 607-254-2418   M: 607-351-5740   F: 607-254-1132




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