I was just about to post details when Jay's message came in. There is only a bit that I can add. First, there are now some sticks on the ground pointing to the trail where the vireo was last seen. It appears to be moving around a bit, so be patient and listen carefully.

In addition to Jay's birds, Dave Nutter and I also had a Gray Catbird and a NASHVILLE WARBLER in the same vicinity. The Prairie Warbler continued to sing after Jay left.

Bob McGuire
On Apr 26, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Jay McGowan wrote:

The WHITE-EYED VIREO was still at the Edwards Preserve on Teeter Road around 9:30, singing sporadically and foraging in the brush downslope (to the left) of the main trail leading into the preserve (take your second left after entering from Teeter Road and the bird was around this area, but moving a lot.) I also had a bright male PRAIRIE WARBLER which eventually sang twice, and singing COMMON YELLOWTHROAT and BROWN THRASHER.

Jay McGowan
Ithaca, NY


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3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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