Silly me, thinking maybe I'd found a new species for 2012 for the Cayuga Lake Basin.  I was about to ask whether the Danby migrants were before or after midnight so I'd know what date to write when I remembered to check eBird.  Not only had one of my pair of Blue-winged Teal (I saw a male and female together) at the Montezuma NWR visitor center been reported by Doug Daniels hours earlier, but but on March Nita Irby found 5 on Dryden Lake and Wade & Melissa Rowley found 4 at Myers Point.

The Wildlife Drive is still closed, with several construction machines near the far first bend, but a grader was preparing the road. From the tower I could see hundreds of CANVASBACKS and one RING-NECKED DUCK on the Main Pool. I looked at Larue's from the Seneca Trail but saw no snipe.  The main feature I found at Montezuma NWR today was Anas ducks, all except Eurasian Wigeon, and only one GADWALL (at Railroad Road), but multiple birds at multiple locations for MALLARD, AMERICAN BLACK DUCK, AMERICAN WIGEON, NORTHERN PINTAIL, NORTHERN SHRIKE and (AMERICAN) GREEN-WINGED TEAL.  There were also some COMMON MERGANSERS and a BUFFLEHEAD on May's Point Pool and some REDHEADS and RING-NECKED DUCKS on Tschache, all seen from the tower. At Railroad Road I saw one TRUMPETER SWAN near a group of 6 TUNDRA SWANS. On Van Dyne Spoor Road I saw an adult NORTHERN SHRIKE.

There was still a flock of SNOW GEESE mid-lake off the south end of Lower Lake Rd, plus a few small flocks flying north over Van Dyne Spoor Rd.

--Dave Nutter

On Mar 13, 2012, at 01:50 PM, Bill Evans <> wrote:

Dave's post reminded me that I heard numerous flocks of Blue-winged Teal and
other waterfowl over the high terrain of Danby during the windless quietude
Sunday night. Notable in the mix was an emotionally-stirring flock of
Long-tailed Ducks.

Turn on, tune in, bird out,

Bill E

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