Just to let you know, that not everyone gets a circular rash. It is a great
warning to the people who are "lucky" (not a good word to use for the bite,
but...) enough to get the rash. Beware because you can be bitten and never
develop a rash. If you feel ill, don't ignore it. Seek treatment. I worked
for a doctor who knew. Sorry about your son, Fritzie and John. Ann

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 10:25 PM, John and Fritzie Blizzard <
job121...@verizon.net> wrote:

> George & all .. ...
> Our 56 yr. old son had Lyme last spring/early summer & was very seriously
> ill for close to 2 mos., initially refusing to go to a dr.. I'm so thankful
> that a man with whom he works told him how CRITICALLY ill his own daughter
> became from the effects of Lyme.
> This was the 2nd time in 3 yrs., with last yr. being FAR, FAR, FAR worse
> than the first bout. (Both times the ticks were in hard to spot places & it
> was the red rash that made him aware.)
> He had unrelenting high fever for three wks. with  temp. that finally
> peaked at 103.4 deg. .... accompanied by chills, sweating, dreadful,
> unending headache, as well as aches & pains everywhere. Whether it was
> "just" the Lyme or his bad reaction to Doxycycline we'll never know but his
> hands were very red, very sore & very swollen with blisters deep in the
> flesh & eventually the skin peeled off. He has had flu/cold-like bouts
> several times since then. From what I've read, these & other weird effects
> can continue to crop up.
> Folks, this is not a simple "virus, it'll-go-away-in-due-time" type thing
> even tho' it acts like a virus. If you have the red rash .. get to the dr.
> fast. Blood tests rarely come back "positive" but that rash is the basic
> thing to look for. Seems that there are drs. who tend to pooh-pooh the
> whole idea but besides our son, we have a friend in NH, heart of tick
> country, who has been through severe medical crises since having Lyme
> twice. AND pay attention to the side effects warnings about Doxycycline
> .... esp. the part about light/sun-sensitivity.
>  Fritzie
> *******************************************************************
> Susan wrote:   An added bonus… not a single tick in sight!
> George wrote:  several of the ones I _have_ seen were already attached to
> me. One of these bites produced a vague circular rash about 3" in diameter.
> I  took the full course of Doxycycline, just in case (a neighbor of mine
> actually came down with Lyme Disease last year). Better safe than sorry.
> --
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