Here is small sample of photos from today. Now back to some "foraging"... 

 From: david nicosia <>
To: Cayugabirds- L <>; Bluewing 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 4:52 PM
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Highlights around Cayuga Basin Today 5/29/12

Got some birding in with Dan Watkins and Capt. Mike Ackeley before storms. 

Myer's Point-  2 singing ORCHARD ORIOLES. 1 female RED-BREASTED
MERGANSER hanging around with a male and female common merganser. 

Lake Road- 2 singing GRASSHOPPER SPARROWS as others have had.

Montezuma Wildlife Drive- 1 SNOW GOOSE sitting on a nest mound
with a CANADA GOOSE!! There was also another CANADA GOOSE
nearby....  did this snow goose breed with the canada? The bird was opposite to
Larue's/Lesser Yellowlegs unit on a mound fairly close to road. 

New Shorebird Flats-  2 WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPERS at least. also
other more common ones.  

Benning Marsh-  star of the day: HUDSONIAN GODWIT putting
on a show for 3 carloads of birders foraging fairly close to road. wow. 
also 2-3 WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPERS among common ones. 

Towpath Road- had all 4 WILSON'S PHALAROPES again. 2 male
and 2 female.  Also 3 SANDERLINGS. many other common ones
that others have seen...dunlin, semipalmated sandpipers/plovers. black-bellied
plovers etc. No HUGO here today. I also had a bird that I thought was a
candidate for a BAIRD'S. The bird was a little bigger and light brown vs the 
grayish WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPERS of which there were a couple there.
This guy was not a pectoral did not have breast pattern of a pec. 
I wasn't sure...and it was fairly distant (60x in scope). So I did not list it
on e-bird. But others should watch for this guy. Someone reported one
here last week. 

Armitage Road- 2 PROTHONTARY WARBLERS singing. One seen
very close. wow. 

King road- same CLAY-COLORED SPARROW singing from top
of the farthest spruce tree from the road. 

Totaled 106 species which was Capt. Mike's first 100+ day. Plus
got great looks at a lot of awesome birds. Then the storms hit....

Dave Nicosia
Johnson City, NY 

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