This evening I again biked out NYS-89 to check on the BALD EAGLE nest near the Glenwood Pines restaurant in the Town of Ulysses. I saw no adults, but the two youngsters are out of the nest and into the branches of the nest tree. One bird (perhaps larger, therefore female) was rather sedentary, perched near the nest, picking at its talons with its bill and seldom opening its wings. The other bird (smaller, I think, therefore male) was quite active, "fluttering" from branch to branch. 

On my way home I stopped at Treman Marine Park. Most of the time I was there one OSPREY stood sentinel atop one of the well-designed perching poles above the platform while its mate sat tight on the nest. For awhile one of them flew off toward the lake, but I didn't see which bird, nor did I see whether it brought back food or switched places on its return, nor could I see the gender of the bird(s) on the perch. I didn't spend a long time there, but did not see any evidence of feeding young. Anyone who does see that there are hatchlings there, please say so. 

Another highlight was seeing a female COMMON MERGANSER with 4 merglings out on the lake. 
--Dave Nutter
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