Eight people joined me for a GREAT morning of birding. The sky was blue and
it was not too warm.  We stopped two places.

First, we stopped on Dodge Road (off Stevenson Road) where there is a nice
stand of spruces. The only warbler we saw was a YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER.
 Then we heard and saw a BROWN THRASHER. We watched him for awhile. Also,
we hear a CAROLINA WREN singing almost continuously.

We then went to Park Preserve.  I heard a RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH as soon as
we got there, but no one else did.
Walking along the path, we soon heard a PRAIRIE WARBLER. Everyone was able
to see it.  Walking further, we heard and saw a MAGNOLIA WARBLER.  My guess
is there were at least 4 at the preserve). We heard a BEE buzz. We didn't
see the BLUE-WINGED WARBLER, but most everyone heard it. We heard an
EASTERN TOWEE sing a couple different songs and also heard a FIELD SPARROW
calling. Further on the path, we started hearing OVENBIRDS. A RUFFED-GROUSE
drummed, then we heard 3-4 or so BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLERS. Heading
back to the entrance on a different path, everyone finally had good looks
at a BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER. An OSPREY was spotted by one of the
group.   Thank you for everyone who joined me!
Good Birding,


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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