Today, May 23, my dad and I went for an early morning
before-school run to Myers Point. We saw Jay McGowan's post to the list,
and were hoping to find the Laughing Gull, etc. As soon as we arrived at
Myers, we were greeted with the sight of Ann Mitchell and Dave Nutter, who
helped us  spot a YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER high in a tree. After taking
pretty good looks at the bird, we moved on to the spit. At the spit we
sadly did not find the Laughing Gull, which we were told had taken off to
the west at 7:41 AM, just before we arrived. However, we did hear an INDIGO
BUNTING and saw a RUDDY TURNSTONE in breeding plumage. Though these were
definitely the highlights of our trip, we also sighted a very unusual gull.
This RING-BILLED GULL had a very hooked bill which resembled the bill of a
Snail Kite. This gull was apart from all the other ring-bills, and looked
like a cross between a gull and a shrike-like form.
          The Osprey was present, and flying low over the trees. Thanks to
Dave, Ann and Jay who helped us spot the very satisfying Yellow-throated
          After this, I was off to school, where I abruptly saw two very
red SCARLET TANAGERS. I am sure these were tanagers, not cardinals, because
the tanagers' black wings were clearly visible. Two males together, my dad
said, was probably a case of migration where males aren't so tense with
each other.
  Good Birding,


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