Please note, information is on our website, You can
either access the blog through the December newsletter article on the front
page or you can search under resources for Christmas Bird Count (but be
aware that the resource article has not been updated since last year's
count although this  year's content is not much different.)  You can access
the count circle map in either place.

This year will be Audubon’s 114th Christmas Bird Count. The Cayuga Bird
Club again will organize the Ithaca count on their traditional date of
January 1. This year that falls on a Wednesday, which is a holiday for most
of us. All members of the public are encouraged to participate and we are
very anxious to have anyone interested in this feel comfortable about
participating. It is not necessary that you be a member of the Cayuga Bird
Club.  So please get in touch.

If you see an area below that you are familiar with and would like to
cover, let me know. If you would like more information or if you would like
assistance in choosing a count area or if you are a beginner and are
concerned about identifying birds accurately, you may call the Count
Co-Coordinator, Linda Orkin at 279-4253 or email at this dedicated email
address, . I will be happy to discuss some options with
you.  Area leaders will be in touch with participants from last year, so no
need to contact us, unless you do not hear from someone by the middle of

Within the 15-mile diameter Ithaca count circle, we have nine areas from
which to choose, all with their own hotspots. Here is a link to our bird
club page with more details, including map of  the circle and the areas:

Beginners can be paired with more experienced birders if they wish. The
more eyes and ears, the better.  Dress warmly, be sure to have some hot
beverages and other provisions with you and get out and enjoy the day.
This will be a great start to your own personal 2014 bird list while
contributing to this monumental data collection.

You can begin at 12:01 a.m. on January 1 by listening for owls, or you can
head out at dawn to tally resident songbirds. You can drive around in the
afternoon to look for hawks, and/or you can snuggle in  at home and count
birds at your feeders. As you can see, there are many options for
participation and your input is invaluable at all levels.  We want to thank
all of you in advance for your time and contribution.

If you choose to stay home and count birds at your feeders, write down the
total time you spend watching, the species seen, and the maximum number of
birds of each species seen at any one time. This is the same protocol as
Project Feederwatch.  Call the Cornell Lab of Ornithology at 254-2473
between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. (no later, please!) to report your totals
to this year’s club volunteer,

We sincerely invite all to join other Christmas Bird Count (CBC)
participants in the auditorium at the Laboratory of Ornithology, starting
at 6:00 p.m., for a potluck supper at 6:30 p.m. followed by the compilation
of sightings at 7:15 p.m. Bring a dish to share, a beverage and your own
table service. Our count compiler will once again be Kevin McGowan, who
always brings a fount of knowledge and a wonderful historical perspective
to this endeavor.

Counts are submitted to Audubon, which compiles the data from all the count
circles. Audubon posts all CBC data on the Internet and makes this huge
database is available for anyone to access—high school students doing a
project, newspaper reporters writing about bird population trends, or
scientists doing research.

*Area I*   West Dryden, Hile School Road area. Open fields, secondary
growth fields,
and woodlots. Possible Merlin, White-winged Crossbills, blackbirds, and

*Area II*   Fall Creek area, Mount Pleasant. Woodlands and fields. Good for
hawks, and herons.

*Area III* The linear park in Dryden, Beam Hill, and Yellow Barn Road. Pine
and spruce
forests, good for winter finches.

*Area *IV Laura Stenzler: Ellis Hollow area, Snyder Hill, Ringwood.
Woodlands and fields. Good for
hawks, turkeys, bluebirds, sparrows, owls, and finches.

*Area V* Six Mile Creek gorge, Brooktondale area. Our largest area, good
birding and
hiking. Possible turkey and grouse.

*Area VI*   Danby area, Finger Lakes Trail, and Buttermilk Falls. Noted for
wintering bluebirds and robins.

*Area VII * West side of Cayuga Lake, Bostwick Road, Mecklenberg Road. Good
waterfowl, including all three species of merganser.

*Area VIII*  Cornell campus, Cayuga Heights, and Stewart Park. Good for
rare birds, Fish
Crows, and gulls.

*Area IX*   East side of Cayuga Lake, Lansing area. Fields, woodlots.
Waterfowl and
field birds, including Northern Shrike and Short-eared Owl.

The Audubon Christmas Bird Count has always been held  in the December 14
through January 5 time span. In addition to count circles throughout the
United States, counts are conducted in Canada, the Caribbean, Mexico,
Ecuador, Nicaragua, and the Pacific Islands. You can see results, photos,
and get more detailed information at .  We
urge you to browse this site to evaluate the importance and scope of this
ongoing count.  The data that is gathered through this huge and historic
effort is invaluable and we are all fortunate that we get to be a part of
this historic count.

Don't ask what your bird club can do for you, ask what you can do for your
bird club!! <')_,/

Don't ask what your bird club can do for you, ask what you can do for your
bird club!! <')_,/


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