Eagles have arrived at Destiny USA of all places. Best time for seeing them
is early in the day before the lots fill with cars,  Near Best Buy,


On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 12:04 AM, Upstate NY Birding digest <
cayugabird...@list.cornell.edu> wrote:

> CAYUGABIRDS-L Digest for Wednesday, January 29, 2014.
> 1. FWD: GPS Tracked Snowy Owls in NY
> 2. [OOB] Snowy Owl West of Rt. 96a Geneva / Larsen Rd.
> 3. Compost jackpot - Glaucous, Iceland and LBBG this morning
> 4. Re: SNOW HELP-Please-Thanks
> 5. Re: One special hunting season and two management proposals -black bear
> and Mute Swan.
> 6. bird hydration
> 7. RE: bird hydration
> 8. Re: bird hydration
> 9. Re: bird hydration
> 10. Re: bird hydration
> 11. Video of Auburn crows
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: FWD: GPS Tracked Snowy Owls in NY
> From: Meena Madhav Haribal <m...@cornell.edu>
> Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 12:19:42 +0000
> X-Message-Number: 1
> This has not come to Cayugabirds. So I thought it might be of interest to
> some of you who are not in NYSbirds.
> This cool!
>  Subject: GPS Tracked Snowy Owls in NY
> From: Drew Weber <drewwe...@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 10:41:21 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 1
> I thought this listserv might be interested in the fact that three GPS
> tracked snowy owls are currently in New York, all part of the Project
> SNOWstorm initiative this winter (more info on the project at
> projectsnowstorm.org).
> Two owls were recently banded near Braddock Bay and a third owl that was
> banded in Erie, PA two weeks ago has now flown across the state border.
> The fascinating part is that all three owls appear to be taking rides out
> into the Great Lakes on ice floes. You can follow along with their
> movements on an interactive map. Under optimal conditions (fully charged
> batteries and good cell reception) these birds send us updates on their
> whereabouts every three days, so you can check back occasionally to see new
> data.
> The two immature males banded near Braddock.
> http://www.projectsnowstorm.org/maps/cranberry/
> http://www.projectsnowstorm.org/maps/braddock/
> The immature male banded in Erie, PA.
> http://www.projectsnowstorm.org/maps/erie/
> Drew Weber
> drewwe...@gmail.com
> 484.269.6009
> Meena Haribal
> Ithaca NY 14850
> 42.429007,-76.47111
> http://haribal.org/
> http://meenaharibal.blogspot.com/
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: [OOB] Snowy Owl West of Rt. 96a Geneva / Larsen Rd.
> From: Daniel Graham <artst...@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 08:16:48 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 2
> As of 7:55AM Snowy Owl, presumably the same one David Diaz spotted
> yesterday, is back near the same spot. Just now it was silhouetted
> against the ridgeline quite far from the road, but beautifully
> illuminated by the sun. Incidentally, I saw what I again presume was
> the same bird back on Dec. 3 in this area--it appeared to have
> substantial dark coloration then, but it was too far away to tell with
> my small binoculars today. I have heard through the grapevine that a
> Snowy was seen in this area in past years as well, so perhaps this is
> the bird's vacation spot, so to speak.
> Daniel Graham
> Tburg
> Subject: Snowy owl- OOB
> From: David Diaz <dmdiaz73 AT hotmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 11:27:18 -0500
> Snowy owl on rt96A and Larsen Road, south of Geneva. About 250' from rt96A.
> Google maps pin attached...
> Dropped Pin
> near 3631-3799 New York 96A, Geneva, NY 14456
> http://goo.gl/maps/HvkLj
> David Diaz
> Tburg, NY
> Sent from David's iPhone
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Compost jackpot - Glaucous, Iceland and LBBG this morning
> From: Jeff Gerbracht <ja...@cornell.edu>
> Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 10:19:18 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 3
> After visiting the compost 3-4 times a week, I finally had some success
> this morning which more than made up for all of the gull-less visits I've
> had this January.
> 2 1st year Iceland's were sitting on the compost rows along with 2 Lesser
> Black-backed Gulls.    But the highlight was definitely the 3rd winter /
> adult Glaucous
> Gull that appeared from no where, circled the car once and then,
> unfortunately, headed off in the direction of Monkey Run.
>   Jeff
> --
> Jeff Gerbracht
> Lead Application Developer
> Neotropical Birds, Breeding Bird Atlas, eBird
> Cornell Lab of Ornithology
> 607-254-2117
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: SNOW HELP-Please-Thanks
> From: John Confer <con...@ithaca.edu>
> Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 11:42:30 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 4
> My gosh,
>     I wouldn't have guessed that I could get so many helpful tips about
> somewhat sedentary SNOW. Thanks so much. The 16 person field trip looks
> like it may well be a success. Of course, the weather forecast is now
> for warming (which you might think was a blessing, except) with
> snow/sleet/rain. It could be that this trip is under a jinx. I'm
> certainly not going to supervise the driving of two vans filled with
> students in sleet/rain/snow, but we'll see what happens.
>      Given the kind input so far, I will pay particular attention around
> Lane Rd off 34 and to the southern end of Indian Field Rd.!
>      Several people have said that they have seen the SEOWs near Lake
> Winery from even as early as 3:30 to 4:30. I will time the trip to catch
> that window of opportunity. By the way, the raptor survey for the
> Greater Montezuma Wetlands Complex starts it's survey a half hour before
> legal sundown, way later than 3:30. I think the Montezuma timing is
> based on a lot of previous experience so the short-ears near the winery
> seem to be the exception.
> Thanks so much to the listserve,
> John Confer
> I will have my cell phone (607-229-5952) with me throughout the day with
> the trip leaving at 1:00 (not 2:00 as I thought earlier).
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: One special hunting season and two management proposals
> -black bear and Mute Swan.
> From: Linda Orkin <wingmagi...@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 14:10:13 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 5
> Just wanted to let everyone know that there are indeed two sides to the
> issue of killing all Mute Swans. Here is a link which I received.
> http://www.goosewatchnyc.com/mute-swan-plan/
> Perhaps there is no truths on this analysis, however...
> Given the DEC's NYS "management" policies towards Coyotes, no daily bag
> limit, can be killed day and night and fair game for hunting contests,  I
> am very inclined to dislike their policies.
> Linda Orkin
> Ithaca, NY 14850
> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 7:26 AM, John and Sue Gregoire <k...@empacc.net
> >wrote:
> > Be aware of the special deer season throughout Tompkins County when you
> > venture out
> > in January. The second and third item propose Black Bear and Mute Swan
> > management
> > plans and are open for comment.
> > J.
> >
> > 01/15/2014
> > Hello,
> > The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation has issued the following
> > press
> > release:
> >
> > Special Deer Hunting Season in Central Tompkins County to Help Control
> > Local Deer
> > Population
> >
> > Deer Management Focus Area Open Until January 31, 2014
> >
> > A special deer hunting season to help control the deer population in and
> > around the
> > city of Ithaca, Tompkins County, will be open until January 31, 2014,
> State
> > Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Regional Director Ken
> Lynch
> > announced
> > today.
> >
> > The Deer Management Focus Area (DMFA) program was initiated in 2012 in
> the
> > Ithaca
> > area to expand the use of hunting to assist local communities burdened
> with
> > overabundant deer populations. The DMFA encompasses 60,000 acres of land
> > in and
> > around the city of Ithaca, including the city and town of Ithaca, the
> > villages of
> > Cayuga Heights and Lansing, and parts of the towns of Danby, Caroline,
> > Dryden,
> > Lansing, Enfield, Newfield and Ulysses.
> >
> > During the special January season in the DMFA, registered hunters are
> > authorized to
> > shoot two antlerless deer per day using a shotgun, muzzleloader, handgun,
> > or bow (if
> > they have bowhunting eligibility). Hunters must still comply with all
> state
> > trespassing laws, as well as all applicable local ordinances governing
> the
> > discharge
> > of firearms.
> >
> > To participate, hunters must register with the DMFA program and download
> a
> > permit,
> > carcass tags and a hunting activity log. Both the DMFA permit and carcass
> > tags must
> > be carried while hunting in the DMFA and are valid only within the DMFA.
> > All DMFA
> > hunters must record their deer hunting activity and harvests on the
> > hunting activity
> > log regardless of their success or hunting activity level, and are
> > required to
> > submit the log form to DEC by February 7. Instructions are provided on
> the
> > permit
> > and log form.
> >
> > For additional information about the DMFA, including a map of the DFMA
> > that includes
> > boundaries, a description of available hunting lands, or to register and
> > download a
> > permit, carcass tags and a hunting activity log .
> >
> > A New NYSDEC Press Release Has Been Issued: DEC Releases Two Draft
> Species
> > Management Plans
> > 01/16/2014
> > Hello,
> > The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation has issued the following
> > press
> > release:
> >
> > DEC Releases Two Draft Species Management Plans
> >
> > Plans Will Guide Management of Black Bears and Mute Swans for the Next
> Ten
> > Years
> >
> > The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today
> > released
> > draft species management plans for black bears and mute swans, and will
> be
> > accepting
> > public comments on these management plans through January 31, 2014.
> >
> > "Wildlife management can present challenges in trying to balance
> > populations,
> > hunting opportunities and environmental impacts," Commissioner Martens
> > said. "These
> > plans will guide the management of these species for the next 10 years,
> > and we
> > encourage people to review and submit comments on the draft plans."
> >
> > These management plans also reflect Governor Cuomo's NY Open for Hunting
> > and Fishing
> > Initiative, an effort to improve recreational activities for in-state and
> > out-of-state sportsmen and sportswomen and to boost tourism opportunities
> > throughout
> > the state. This initiative includes the streamlining of hunting and
> fishing
> > licensing and reducing license fees, improved access for fishing at
> > various sites
> > across the state, and increasing hunting opportunities in various
> regions.
> >
> > Black Bears
> >
> > The draft Black Bear Management Plan for New York State, 2014-2024 is
> > available on
> > the DEC website.. Black bears are a very popular wildlife species among
> > the general
> > public, but can pose significant challenges when the bears become too
> > abundant or
> > are acting boldly in populated areas.
> >
> > DEC's draft plan describes five primary goals that reflect the current
> > priorities of
> > bear managers and desires expressed by the public:
> >
> > maintain bear populations at levels acceptable to the public;
> > promote and enhance bear hunting as an important management tool;
> > minimize the frequency and severity of human-bear conflicts;
> > foster understanding and communication about bear ecology, management,
> and
> > conflict
> > avoidance; and
> > ensure the necessary resources are available to support effective
> > management of
> > black bears in New York.
> > The plan also describes the current and desired future status of bear
> > populations in
> > various geographic regions of New York.
> >
> > Many of the strategies identified in the plan are already occurring;
> > others reflect
> > new work to be more fully developed during the next 10 years. The plan
> > includes
> > proposals to expand bear hunting opportunities in many wildlife
> management
> > units,
> > especially in the Catskills and western Hudson Valley where in recent
> years
> > human-bear conflicts have become more common and pose a serious threat to
> > human
> > safety and property.
> >
> > Comments on the draft bear plan may be submitted in writing through
> > January 31, 2014
> > to: NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife, Bear Management Plan, 625 Broadway,
> Albany,
> > NY
> > 12233-4754 or by e-mail to fwwil...@gw.dec.state.ny.us (please type
> "Bear
> > Plan" in
> > the subject line).
> >
> > Mute Swans
> >
> > The draft Management Plan for Mute Swans in New York State is available
> on
> > the DEC
> > website. The mute swan is a non-native, invasive species brought to North
> > America
> > from Eurasia for ornamental purposes in the late 1800s.
> >
> > Mute swans are most numerous on Long Island and in the lower Hudson
> > Valley, but have
> > expanded their range in recent years, especially around Lake Ontario.
> Mute
> > swans can
> > cause a variety of problems, including exhibiting aggressive behavior
> > towards
> > people, destruction of submerged aquatic vegetation, displacement of
> > native wildlife
> > species, degradation of water quality and potential hazards to aviation.
> >
> > This draft management plan supports actions by DEC to eliminate
> > free-ranging mute
> > swans from New York by 2025, while allowing responsible ownership of
> these
> > birds in
> > captivity. DEC recently proposed listing mute swan as a "prohibited
> > species" under
> > new Invasive Species regulations, which would prohibit the sale,
> > importation,
> > transport, or introduction of this species in New York.
> >
> > Comments on the draft mute swan plan may be submitted in writing through
> > January 31,
> > 2014 to: NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife, Swan Management Plan, 625 Broadway,
> > Albany, NY
> > 12233-4754 or by e-mail to fwwil...@gw.dec.state.ny.us (please type
> "Swan
> > Plan" in
> > the subject line).
> > --
> > John and Sue Gregoire
> > Field Ornithologists
> > Kestrel Haven Avian Migration Observatory
> > 5373 Fitzgerald Road
> > Burdett,NY 14818-9626
> >  Website: http://www.empacc.net/~kestrelhaven/
> > "Conserve and Create Habitat"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Cayugabirds-L List Info:
> > http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME
> > http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES
> >
> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm
> >
> > 1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
> > 2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
> > 3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
> >
> > Please submit your observations to eBird:
> > http://ebird.org/content/ebird/
> >
> > --
> >
> --
> Don't ask what your bird club can do for you, ask what you can do for your
> bird club!! <')_,/
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: bird hydration
> From: Eben McLane <etmcl...@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 19:11:52 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 6
> I'm sure someone knows how birds in the wild stay hydrated in a prolonged
> cold snap, such as we're experiencing. I know that sunflower seeds in
> feeders provide some moisture, but I can't see any main water sources
> around my house that aren't frozen solid. (I live just above Owasco Lake,
> and even the entire lake is frozen over this year, as are the waterfall
> tributaries.) Do birds "drink" snow in some way?
> I'd be grateful for information about this.
> Eben McLane
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: RE: bird hydration
> From: "Marie P. Read" <m...@cornell.edu>
> Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 00:47:26 +0000
> X-Message-Number: 7
> Regarding winter bird hydration:
> I've seen several species of bird "eat" snow (e.g. Northern Cardinal,
> Common Redpoll).
> I've also seen chickadees hovering to sip from melting icicles.
> Marie
> Marie Read Wildlife Photography
> 452 Ringwood Road
> Freeville NY  13068 USA
> Phone  607-539-6608
> e-mail   m...@cornell.edu
> http://www.marieread.com
> ***NEW***  Music of the Birds Vol 1 ebook for Apple iPad now available
> from iTunes
> http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/music-of-the-birds-v1/id529347014?mt=11
> ________________________________________
> From: bounce-112260081-5851...@list.cornell.edu [
> bounce-112260081-5851...@list.cornell.edu] on behalf of Eben McLane [
> etmcl...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 7:11 PM
> Subject: [cayugabirds-l] bird hydration
> I'm sure someone knows how birds in the wild stay hydrated in a prolonged
> cold snap, such as we're experiencing. I know that sunflower seeds in
> feeders provide some moisture, but I can't see any main water sources
> around my house that aren't frozen solid. (I live just above Owasco Lake,
> and even the entire lake is frozen over this year, as are the waterfall
> tributaries.) Do birds "drink" snow in some way?
> I'd be grateful for information about this.
> Eben McLane
> --
> Cayugabirds-L List Info:
> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME
> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES
> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm
> 1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
> 2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
> 3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
> Please submit your observations to eBird:
> http://ebird.org/content/ebird/
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: bird hydration
> From: "Christine C. Bogdanowicz" <c...@cornell.edu>
> Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 00:55:34 +0000
> X-Message-Number: 8
> Thought this would be an appropriate read ;-)
> http://www.featheredphotography.com/blog/2014/01/26/frost-eating-white-crowned-sparrow/
> Christine C. Bogdanowicz<mailto:c...@cornell.edu>
> Assistant Director for Academic Programs
> Shoals Marine Laboratory<http://www.sml.cornell.edu/>
> 106A Kennedy Hall, Cornell University
> Ithaca, NY  14853
> (607) 255-3851: office
> (607) 379-3341: mobile/cell
> (607) 255-0742: fax
> On Jan 29, 2014, at 7:47 PM, Marie P. Read <m...@cornell.edu<mailto:
> m...@cornell.edu>> wrote:
> Regarding winter bird hydration:
> I've seen several species of bird "eat" snow (e.g. Northern Cardinal,
> Common Redpoll).
> I've also seen chickadees hovering to sip from melting icicles.
> Marie
> Marie Read Wildlife Photography
> 452 Ringwood Road
> Freeville NY  13068 USA
> Phone  607-539-6608
> e-mail   m...@cornell.edu<mailto:m...@cornell.edu>
> http://www.marieread.com
> ***NEW***  Music of the Birds Vol 1 ebook for Apple iPad now available
> from iTunes
> http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/music-of-the-birds-v1/id529347014?mt=11
> ________________________________________
> From: bounce-112260081-5851...@list.cornell.edu [
> bounce-112260081-5851...@list.cornell.edu] on behalf of Eben McLane [
> etmcl...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 7:11 PM
> Subject: [cayugabirds-l] bird hydration
> I'm sure someone knows how birds in the wild stay hydrated in a prolonged
> cold snap, such as we're experiencing. I know that sunflower seeds in
> feeders provide some moisture, but I can't see any main water sources
> around my house that aren't frozen solid. (I live just above Owasco Lake,
> and even the entire lake is frozen over this year, as are the waterfall
> tributaries.) Do birds "drink" snow in some way?
> I'd be grateful for information about this.
> Eben McLane
> --
> Cayugabirds-L List Info:
> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME
> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES
> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm
> 1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
> 2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
> 3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
> Please submit your observations to eBird:
> http://ebird.org/content/ebird/
> --
> --
> Cayugabirds-L List Info:
> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME
> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES
> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm
> 1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
> 2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
> 3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
> Please submit your observations to eBird:
> http://ebird.org/content/ebird/
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: bird hydration
> From: Linda Orkin <wingmagi...@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 20:01:00 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 9
> >
> > It is my understanding that it uses much energy for birds to convert
> snow to water. Which is why it is advisable and beneficial to provide
> liquid water to a bird in winter who may already be very close to an energy
> deficit.
> >
> > And one of my favorite ever pictures of Marie's is of a chickadee
> hovering for a drip of water from the tip of an icicle.
> >
> > Linda Orkin.
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> > On Jan 29, 2014, at 7:47 PM, "Marie P. Read" <m...@cornell.edu> wrote:
> >
> >> Regarding winter bird hydration:
> >>
> >> I've seen several species of bird "eat" snow (e.g. Northern Cardinal,
> Common Redpoll).
> >> I've also seen chickadees hovering to sip from melting icicles.
> >>
> >> Marie
> >>
> >> Marie Read Wildlife Photography
> >> 452 Ringwood Road
> >> Freeville NY  13068 USA
> >>
> >> Phone  607-539-6608
> >> e-mail   m...@cornell.edu
> >>
> >> http://www.marieread.com
> >>
> >> ***NEW***  Music of the Birds Vol 1 ebook for Apple iPad now available
> from iTunes
> >>
> >> http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/music-of-the-birds-v1/id529347014?mt=11
> >> ________________________________________
> >> From: bounce-112260081-5851...@list.cornell.edu [
> bounce-112260081-5851...@list.cornell.edu] on behalf of Eben McLane [
> etmcl...@gmail.com]
> >> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 7:11 PM
> >> Subject: [cayugabirds-l] bird hydration
> >>
> >> Iâ EURO (tm)m sure someone knows how birds in the wild stay hydrated in a
> prolonged cold snap, such as weâ EURO (tm)re experiencing. I know that 
> sunflower
> seeds in feeders provide some moisture, but I canâ EURO (tm)t see any main 
> water
> sources around my house that arenâ EURO (tm)t frozen solid. (I live just above
> Owasco Lake, and even the entire lake is frozen over this year, as are the
> waterfall tributaries.) Do birds â EURO oedrinkâ EURO  snow in some way?
> >>
> >> Iâ EURO (tm)d be grateful for information about this.
> >>
> >> Eben McLane
> >> --
> >>
> >> Cayugabirds-L List Info:
> >> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME
> >> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES
> >>
> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm
> >>
> >> 1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
> >> 2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
> >> 3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
> >>
> >> Please submit your observations to eBird:
> >> http://ebird.org/content/ebird/
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >> Cayugabirds-L List Info:
> >> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME
> >> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES
> >>
> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm
> >>
> >> 1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
> >> 2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
> >> 3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
> >>
> >> Please submit your observations to eBird:
> >> http://ebird.org/content/ebird/
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: bird hydration
> From: Linda Orkin <wingmagi...@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 20:03:03 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 10
> Nice sequence. Note his final comment about heat loss.
> Linda
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 29, 2014, at 7:55 PM, "Christine C. Bogdanowicz" <c...@cornell.edu>
> wrote:
> > Thought this would be an appropriate read ;-)
> >
> http://www.featheredphotography.com/blog/2014/01/26/frost-eating-white-crowned-sparrow/
> >
> >
> > Christine C. Bogdanowicz
> > Assistant Director for Academic Programs
> > Shoals Marine Laboratory
> > 106A Kennedy Hall, Cornell University
> > Ithaca, NY  14853
> > (607) 255-3851: office
> > (607) 379-3341: mobile/cell
> > (607) 255-0742: fax
> >
> >
> >
> > On Jan 29, 2014, at 7:47 PM, Marie P. Read <m...@cornell.edu> wrote:
> >
> >> Regarding winter bird hydration:
> >>
> >> I've seen several species of bird "eat" snow (e.g. Northern Cardinal,
> Common Redpoll).
> >> I've also seen chickadees hovering to sip from melting icicles.
> >>
> >> Marie
> >>
> >> Marie Read Wildlife Photography
> >> 452 Ringwood Road
> >> Freeville NY  13068 USA
> >>
> >> Phone  607-539-6608
> >> e-mail   m...@cornell.edu
> >>
> >> http://www.marieread.com
> >>
> >> ***NEW***  Music of the Birds Vol 1 ebook for Apple iPad now available
> from iTunes
> >>
> >> http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/music-of-the-birds-v1/id529347014?mt=11
> >> ________________________________________
> >> From: bounce-112260081-5851...@list.cornell.edu [
> bounce-112260081-5851...@list.cornell.edu] on behalf of Eben McLane [
> etmcl...@gmail.com]
> >> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 7:11 PM
> >> Subject: [cayugabirds-l] bird hydration
> >>
> >> Iâ EURO (tm)m sure someone knows how birds in the wild stay hydrated in a
> prolonged cold snap, such as weâ EURO (tm)re experiencing. I know that 
> sunflower
> seeds in feeders provide some moisture, but I canâ EURO (tm)t see any main 
> water
> sources around my house that arenâ EURO (tm)t frozen solid. (I live just above
> Owasco Lake, and even the entire lake is frozen over this year, as are the
> waterfall tributaries.) Do birds â EURO oedrinkâ EURO  snow in some way?
> >>
> >> Iâ EURO (tm)d be grateful for information about this.
> >>
> >> Eben McLane
> >> --
> >>
> >> Cayugabirds-L List Info:
> >> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME
> >> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES
> >>
> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm
> >>
> >> 1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
> >> 2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
> >> 3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
> >>
> >> Please submit your observations to eBird:
> >> http://ebird.org/content/ebird/
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >> Cayugabirds-L List Info:
> >> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME
> >> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES
> >>
> http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm
> >>
> >> 1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
> >> 2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
> >> 3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
> >>
> >> Please submit your observations to eBird:
> >> http://ebird.org/content/ebird/
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >
> > --
> > Cayugabirds-L List Info:
> > Welcome and Basics
> > Rules and Information
> > Subscribe, Configuration and Leave
> > Archives:
> > The Mail Archive
> > Surfbirds
> > BirdingOnThe.Net
> > Please submit your observations to eBird!
> > --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Video of Auburn crows
> From: John and Fritzie Blizzard <job121...@verizon.net>
> Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 21:43:50 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 11
> This video of Auburn crows (click on the word link below) is just a tiny
> bit of what we see each evening as foraging crows return to Auburn to
> roost. It's an unbelieveable sight. Think the flights in Ithaca can compare?
> Fritzie
> The link to watch it on YouTube.
> ---


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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