
This might be of interest to local birders. I went on one of these trips 
a couple of years ago and enjoyed it.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        CRESLI 2014 Great South Channel whale and pelagic bird trips -
Date:   Fri, 7 Mar 2014 18:30:27 -0500
From:   Arthur H. Kopelman, Ph.D. <>
To:     Arthur H. Kopelman, Ph.D. <>

*2014 Great South Channel trip -- August 10-12, 2014.  Same price as 
last year. Reservations are required and can be made as of at *

The Coastal Research and Education Society of Long Island is a 
non-profit research and education organization.  Our mission is:  "To 
promote and foster understanding and stewardship of coastal ecosystems 
through research and education ."  Part of our work is to observe and 
document the whale and sea bird populations of NY and New England and to 
take people to see these animals in the wild. Since 2002 we have been 
offering  incredible and successful multi-day offshore pelagic bird and 
whale observation trips.

Our trips have been 100% successful and we have encountered thousands of 
pelagic birds over the years . We've also encountered fin, minke, sei, 
and right whales; common, white-sided, dolphins, pilot whales

We are planning  one trip to the Great South Chanel in August 10-12, 
2014 (51 hours).   The vessel is the 140' Viking Starship that can sleep 
up to 65 passengers in navy style bunks. Excellent food will be 
available at reasonable prices. Passengers may bring their own food as 
well. The trips will be led by a seasoned marine mammal biologist and 
professor. Volunteers from CRESLI will assist in photo-identification 
spotting and data collection.

(1)Our August trip will leave at 6:30 PM on August 10, 2014 and head to 
Martha's Vineyard (MV) to pick up (and drop off) passengers.  We expect 
to arrive at Oak Bluffs in Martha's Vineyard at approximately 12:30 AM 
on 8/11; we leave MV at 1:00 AM and proceed to the GSC.  We should reach 
the whale grounds around day break, spend the next 24 hours amongst the 
whales and birds of the GSC.  The following morning, we will have the 
option of either remaining on the whale grounds, o, if the weather is 
poor, returning early to Martha's Vineyard for land-based birding, 
hiking, or other activities.  The vessel will ultimately depart Martha's 
Vineyard at 4:30 PM on 8/12 and return to Montauk at 10:30 PM on 

1.*/Cost = $275 for CRESLI members; $300 for non-members/*

2.*/Children 6 -- 12 are half price/*

3.*/Under 6 are free/*

We at CRESLI hope that you will join us on our trips.  Remember that 
members do get discounted fares. Go to for info and reservation 
links. Reservations can be made  at


·Cetaceans: Humpback, Fin, Minke, Right; Sei, and Pilot whales; Common, 
Bottlenose, Atlantic White Sided and Risso's Dolphins; Leatherback, 
Green and Loggerhead Turtles; Basking, Great White, Hammerhead, and Blue 
Sharks; Bluefin, Yellowfin, and Bigeye Tuna; White Marlin; Ocean 
Sunfish; Portuguese Man-of-War; and other marine life.

Birds: Cory's, Greater, Sooty, Manx, and Audubon's Shearwaters; Wilson's 
and Leach's Storm-Petrels; Northern Fulmar; Northern Gannet; Red-necked 
and Red Phalaropes; Pomarine, and Parasitic Jaegers; South Polar Skua; 
Greater Black-backed, Herring, Bonaparte's Gulls.

*Arthur H. Kopelman, Ph. D.

*Coastal Research and Education Society of Long Island
*** <>*
* <>*631-244-3352*

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*/"When the last individual of a race of living thing breathes no more,/*

*/another heaven and another earth/*

*/must pass before such a one can be again" ...... William Beebee/*


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