Hi all,

Thank you to everyone who sent me information about snow geese, especially to 
Fritizie who called me to report about the lousy weather ahead.  Unfortunately, 
kids did not get to enjoy the birds as we were about to start it started 
pouring in Ithaca.  So we ended up spending time in Stewart Park in Ithaca.  I 
had scoped out the birds before hand and had thought it would be easy to put a 
scope on each species and let the kids see. First bird I wanted to show was an 
American Widgeon, which was fairly close to shore for a scope and further away 
for kids binocular. As it happened the widgeon kept swimming around a pair of 
Canada geese and a pair of mallard. So when I ever I asked the kids to see and 
tell me what they were seeing, they promptly replied Canada Geese and mallards, 
because by the time kids saw through the scope the bird would have swum away. 
It took several tries to finally show them a widgeon.  I could show them five 
species of ducks by the time the weather became so nasty that kids started to 
shiver and wanted to go back to the car. So it was a disaster, but at least one 
of them they learned to recognize five different ducks.  Wow it is hard. I felt 
I should have spent time on gulls. But we did observe one young Great 
Black-backed gull play with a  ball, who would throw it away and run and catch 
it. Once it fell into the water, gull dashed into the water clumsily and seemed 
eager not to let it fall into the water again.

Before the kids were on the scene, while I was scouting I saw several 
Red-Breasted mergansers and Goldeneyes close to East shore. There was also a 
flotilla of Ruddy Ducks one of the ducks was in full breeding plumage with 
lovely blue bill.

Yesterday after work I went to check out on the ducks and geese. Northern part 
of the lake was still frozen with patches of open water.

On the way near Taughannock state park I watched BLACK VULTURE fly over my car.

>From Cayuga Lake State Park I could see a huge long raft of  Snow Geese and 
>many were coming form  the east, seemed closer to Harris's Park. So I decided 
>to head down there. From Harris's park they looked closer to west shore. So 
>basically they were in the middle of the lake.

Then I headed to the Mucklands. As I arrived to the Mucklands, I saw lots of 
snow geese heading to the Mucklands and some tried to land. Then I heard four 
shots that scattered and scared them. so they circled over and went to Rail 
road side and circled around then headed what seemed to be towards the lake.  
Like last year there were several decoys in the field, but the snow geese that 
were trying to land were steering clear of that location. Just then the sun 
came out and the Tundra Swan in the sun were looking very gorgeous! I came 
across several flocks of blackbirds. So I headed towards Montezuma Refuge. I 
waited for some time at the parking lot of North Spring Pool, when I saw some 
congregation occurring down the road. At the time I also saw lots of snow geese 
in the background of grey cloud were lit with sun light they looked like whites 
caps on the lake as the waves of geese moved around.

On the way at the rest area on 89 just north of South Spring Pool parking lot, 
I found hugest congregation of blackbirds. Everyone was chattering in 
excitement. there was stiff wind from west and all the birds were facing west 
and sitting in the breeze. The flocks would lift and move around and settle on 
a next tree. They kept doing this till the whole group would break off and fly  
east towards the final roosting location.  I waited till the last few brave 
ones also left to sleep in the marsh. I am attaching a link to one clip, when 
the birds flew it was probably 1/20 of the flock size. I could watch this 
spectacle many times and year after year that never stops me from wondering in 
awe as to where these birds spend the day time and where are they heading.


And on the way home somewhere near Ovid, I saw a smallish owl take off from the 
field close to the road, I think it was a probably a Screech Owl, but am not 
100% sure. Then also I came across a baby opossum crossing the road. It dilly 
dallied for a few sec as I approached it. I completely came to halt for it to 
cross. After few seconds it became brave and crossed the road. Last few steps 
it actually ran! It was very adorable.  After a I drove away, I realized I 
could have taken some pictures of it. May be next time!



Meena Haribal
Ithaca NY 14850



Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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