Caspian Tern and American Bittern are both due back in the Cayuga Lake Basin and would be new for 2014. The others species mentioned are already starting to be reported.

Thanks for the bird/weather report, Dave! Looking at Ithaca's hourly weather forecast graph which Dave's team makes

the NW winds are still strong enough to inhibit migration tonight (at least it's minimal on radar now), but winds will calm toward dawn through tomorrow and turn southeasterly but light Sunday night, becoming strong south winds Monday during the day, and strong southeasterly winds Monday night but with rain starting in the afternoon or evening. So I'd say expect diurnal migrants Sunday, some nocturnal migrants Sunday night, and more diurnal migrants Monday, but nothing Monday night. However, I haven't checked what's happening upstream where the birds would be coming from.
--Dave Nutter

On Apr 05, 2014, at 08:11 PM, david nicosia <> wrote:

Lots of bird species on the move today. In several places
we have had small flocks of BONAPARTE'S GULLS 
in Broome County. Also CASPIAN TERNs in two locations, 
RED-THROATED LOON in Upper Lisle(rare for Broome), 
These birds should be in the Cayuga basin soon
if not already (I know Bonaparte's gulls have been seen). 
Not sure if any of these others have been seen this year. 
I have not checked e-bird. 

Also every water way seemed to have many TREE SWALLOWS 
moving. I literally had a "flux" of tree swallows pass by
my scope!! I estimated several hundred in one part
of the Susquehanna River alone. 

Next couple days also look promising weather-wise...

Good luck to all. 

Dave Nicosia

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