A blue Damselfly was hovering (?) next to my back door Sun. evening, my 
1st of the spring.=-O >:o

Becky was working in the garden when she saw a Balto. Oriole fly into 
the ash tree at the end of the garden. Sharp eyes .... !!! .... found 
the new nest amidst a thick clump of leaves. I fear the gray rats will 
be able to get to it. We've had orioles for many yrs. here but have 
never seen a nest.

The 1st box of tree swallows hatched right on schedule yesterday.:-) 
Three to go.

Bluebirds pulled a fast one on the house sparrows. They found the hole 
in the dead limb of an ash tree that the downy woodpeckers had used last 
yr. and aren't being harassed for once.

The secretive catbird flies from one hedgerow to another, yr. after yr., 
but I never find its nest. Same with the mockingbirds. Chipping sparrows 
are somewhere in the big spruce near my BR. They and a chickadee come to 
glean insects from the crab apple outside my BR window.

Becky heard ospreys calling on Sun. as she worked in our garden. Sharp 
eyes as well a good hearing! They were very high in the sky, flying 
westward towards the lake. One left the others and came back our way.

John spotted a green heron on the "mat" on Mill pond last wk. as we came 
from Auburn. We also continue to see the lone male redhead & 2 male 
mallards on Mill pond.

Gas was $3.64.9 here in Union Springs on 23 May 2014.

Have a great, short work wk.!



Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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