My garden which I've designed for bees & butterflies is also relatively and 
sadly quiet. 

Stephanie Greenwood
Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 6, 2014, at 8:04 AM, Linda Orkin <> wrote:
> Thanks for these observations Fritzie. I care. I'm there with you. It's a 
> tragedy. And now we are on the cusp of another horrible pesticide related to 
> Agent Orange being approved. Along with new agent orange ready GMO companion 
> plants. I, too, have silently blooming white clover in my yard. I was 
> thinking how just 20 years ago you could not walk barefoot at this time of 
> year for fear of being stung. Not so now. 
> If people don't wake up now the poisoning of this world, not our world but 
> all beings world, will be entire and complete. And this is an appropriate 
> discussion for a listserv made up of people who love birds, I would think. 
> And gas should cost $100 per gallon. 
> Linda
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 6, 2014, at 12:19 AM, John and Fritzie Blizzard 
>> <> wrote:
>> Three horned larks were standing on Dublin Hill Rd. (east of Aurora) between 
>> Rte. 34 B & Black St. which goes north as a continuation of Indian Field 
>> Rd.. 
>> Here in Union Springs we saw 2 soaring ospreys over our house & one on the 
>> NYSEG Transfer Station nest on No. One Rd. across the field from us. On 27 
>> June, Becky & I found 2 nest starts (new to us) on power poles in the 
>> trailer park down Firelane 15 north of Union Springs. We didn't find anyone 
>> to ask about when, or if, they may have been active.
>> In the afterglow of sunset tonight I watched chimney swifts going in & out 
>> of the tall chimney on the girl's dorm at Union Springs Academy. I have 
>> noticed a remarkable lack of barn & tree swallows here this summer, compared 
>> to previous years. 
>> Rachel Carson wrote "Silent Spring" ... & eventually people got her message 
>> & did something about it. This evening as we drove by 100s of acres of 
>> weed-free corn & soybean fields,  I thought about seeing only one honey bee 
>> so far, no Monarch butterflies & few of any kind of butterflies. Our yard is 
>> FULL of white clover which normally would be abuzz with honey bees.
>> We still have mosquitoes & black flies, insects that need water in which to 
>> lay eggs & blood of warm blooded bodies on which to live ... water & blood. 
>> They thrive. We scratch.
>> Honey bees that pollinate 30 BILLON dollars worth of crops in the US are 
>> fast disappearing. Thanks to indiscriminate, as well as deliberate use of 
>> insecticides, weed killers & fungicides by home owners, golf course owners, 
>> large & small farmers, etc. the honey bee, the one little insect that  
>> determines what food crops we may still be able to grow may become in the 
>> same ranks as the carrier pigeon. Indeed, it may already be too late.
>> I have included fungicides because I have in hand an article stating that 
>> scientists at MD U & the USDA have now found evidence that bees that ate 
>> pollen contaminated with fungicides  are 3 times as likely to be infected 
>> with parasites that cause colony collapse disorder.
>> I wonder ... WHO CARES??? 
>> Fritzie, in Union Springs  .... where gas was $3.63.9 on Fri., 4 July 2104
>> --
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