The Cayuga Bird Club will be meeting on Monday, October 13, at 7:30 at the 
Cornell Lab of Ornithology, with cookies and conversation at 7:15.  

  Our speaker, Julie Zickefoose, a writer, artist and naturalist at home in the 
Appalachian foothills of Ohio, will give her presentation “The Bluebird 
Effect: Uncommon Bonds with Common Birds”.   “Every day, I roam our 
80 acre wildlife sanctuary, and every day I find something new. This deep 
relationship with the land is the wellspring for my writing and art. “

  Join writer/artist Julie Zickefoose for an evening exploring the intersection 
of birds and spirituality in our lives. Can a bird become a demigod to some? 
Can certain species achieve the level of a totem or spirit guide?  Are there 
phenomena that occur at the intersection of man and nature that cannot be 
explained by conventional means? These are concepts that have surfaced over a 
lifetime of helping broken birds and mothering those who are orphaned, and in 
so doing coming to know birds from the inside out. A scientist at heart, Julie 
has lately found herself wondering more than knowing. This talk will help you 
keep your spirit “open to the thrust of grace,” thinking about the 
unexplainables in your own life.

  Members are invited to dinner with Julie before the meeting at 5:30 at 
Aladdins in Collegetown. Please RSVP by noon Monday to so 
reservations can be made. 

Hope to see you Monday! 
Colleen Richards 
Correspondence Secretary 
Cayuga Bird Club

And if interested:
Julie will also be doing a talk for the Cornell Plantations called, "Personal 
Habitat: Creating a Haven for Wildlife (and Yourself)" - the story of an 
artist's love affair with a piece of land, and the birds, animals, and plants 
that inhabit it. Simple habitat enhancements can take a back yard from bland to 
bustling with wildlife. In this talk, artist/writer Julie Zickefoose shows how 
she and her husband have transformed their abandoned farm into a wildlife 
sanctuary and observatory—a perfect personal habitat.
Date/time: Wednesday, October 15; 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Cost: Free; no-registration is required.
Location: Statler Hall Auditorium
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A Review List of The Top Performing Skin Tighteners In 2014

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