Today, Gary Kohlenberg and I went up the lake to Montezuma. Here is where we 
went and what we saw:

Myers - 3 species of gulls and mallards.

Long Point- 35 or so Common Loons, a probable Red-throated Loon, but not 100 
percent sure. 3 Pipits.

Montezuma Wildlife Drive - we saw every specie of duck except Canvasback, There 
were vast numbers of the other ducks. I picked out the only Pied-billed Grebe, 
although Gary thought he saw one at Bennings. We saw 3 species of Swans (cool). 
There were 2 Peregrine Falcons, 3 Bald Eagles, 1 Northern Harrier, and a 
Red-tailed Hawk. We also heard a Red-bellied Woodpecker. At Eaton March we saw 
the American Avocet. Dave Wheeler saw is eat a huge minnow the size of a 
finger. There was also a Dunlin in the same vicinity. We saw no Eared Grebe or 
Red-throated Loon. Also, lots of Coots were around.

East Road- Gary counted 60 Sandhill Cranes. There were 6 Ross's Geese divided 
in to 2 groups. Many Canada Geese. Some Cackling Geese were reported, but we 
didn't have the time to look for them. The ducks were Mallard, Black Duck, 
Pintail, American Wigeon. Don't know what else. Lots of Tundra Swans. We saw 1 
Dunlin and 3 unidentified shorebirds.

Good Birding, Ann

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