After posting my SANDHILL CRANE find, I took a "last look", drove forward on 
McAllister Rd,  and discovered that past the house with green door, and a small 
bunch of trees and bushes, the road made a 90 degree-angled left turn which 
brought me to a different view of the undulating corn field behind the house.
The crane was closer to this part of the road and was foraging in the area of a 
temporary snow-melt pond (this small field could be called corrugated, it has 
so many ups and downs), so I got a nicer look.
All of a sudden 8 WOOD DUCKS landed in the "pond" behind the crane. They swam 
around for awhile until a noisy tractor driving by scared 6 of them away. Even 
the crane took note of the tractor.

I left for home since it was near dusk.  When I reached Algerine Rd., it was 8 
PM and getting dark, so I stopped at appropriate habitat along the lower part 
of the road west of Ludlow Rd. intersection and listened for WOODCOCKS.  I was 
soon rewarded with hearing the Peents of what seemed like 3 or 4 Woodcocks!  I 
was standing on the large concrete pad that covers some of the municipal water 
main equip. and one bird was peenting right in front of me nearby.  Then it 
flew up and zoomed right above my head! It was still light enough that I could 
watch it go high in the air until it finally disappeared from my view.
Later another bird flew up quite close to me from near there and as it took off 
after peenting, it made the "aggressive cackle" sound that is in my Audubon 
bird app!
At least 2 Woodcocks were on the north side of the road peenting, too. I think 
there were at least 2 on the south side of the road, where I saw the two birds 
fly at different times.
These sounds and sights were made even more joyous when I realized there was a 
loud chorus of Spring Peepers further down the road, the first of those I have 
heard this "spring"!

Birding along the RR above lake earlier in mid-afternoon was also rewarding. 5 
HORNED GREBES, 2 in lovely breeding plumage, 2 PIED-BILL GREBES, 2 RED-BREASTED 
MERGANSERS, & at least 25-30 HOODED MERGANSERS & 8 BUFFLEHEADS were swimming 
and diving with several MALLARDS dabbling nearby. I could see many waterfowl 
well south of my beach but didn't have my scope with me, so couldn't tell which 
species they were.
A  KINGFISHER swooped by low over the water. An immature BALD EAGLE soared high 
in the air. The 2 E. PHOEBES I have seen for about a week now landed in the 
trees right in front of me as I rested on the little deck at the top of my 
beach stairs. Then there were all my feeder birds which include 3-4 PINE 

What a lovely day it was. I had to work inside a lot, but I am glad I made time 
to get outside later.

Donna L. Scott
Lansing Station Road
Lansing, NY


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