In Lansing, this morning, while my car was being repaired at Snyder's Repair 
Shop on Ford Hill Rd (excellent place, specializes in foreign cars, great 
waiting room with bird feeders over garden outside).
Ford Hill Rd. is a little dead-end off Lansingville Rd. just north of 
intersection with Lockerby Hill /Jerry Smith Roads (those roads change names 

Right off the bat while walking down the hill to end of road and into the large 
NYSEG-owned, partially-thicketed meadow with small trees and a narrow woods 
edge around some of it, I found a pair of Chipping Sparrows, a Song Sparrow, 
then a pair of Bluebirds (checking out a blue bird nest box in a yard). Robins 
were all over the place, along with a few House Sparrows. I heard a lot of RW 
Blackbirds and Grackles.
I walked around the gate and into the meadow with its great view across the 
Salmon Creek valley; it was sunny and quiet. After clomping around a thicket 
and a muddy ATV track, I started hearing more birds.

I looked up ahead and saw a beautiful Brown Thrasher (FOY for me) sitting near 
the top of a small tree singing away in the sun. An all-yellow male Goldfinch 
sat in another tree nearby. Soon some Black Capped Chickadees appeared very 
near where I stood and Song Sparrows flitted about. More Robins explored the 

I circled around to another ATV trail that runs in the small woods along a farm 
field above the meadow; saw some Crows. Not much else there except 2 Downy 
Woodpeckers drumming in response to the other (I think).

I ended up back at the end of Ford Hill Rd. and went back into the meadow, 
where I heard some faint Field Sparrow songs.  I walked downhill and stood 
still listening and lo and behold 2 Field Sparrows flew right behind me into a 
bush! I got a nice close look at them. (Also, FOY for me).
Then I heard and saw 2 E. Phoebes and watched them flycatching with their 
little circular flight off the branch and back again.

As I walked back to the end of Ford Hill road, I found a pair of N. Flickers 
working the lawn where the Bluebirds had previously been.
It was a glorious morning!

I have heard that we are not supposed to go into this meadow area, but the man 
who runs the repair shop said the locals all go there, so I thought I would 
too. My bad.

Donna L. Scott


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