Correction:  I meant SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER, not "Lesser."    Is it obvious
that I "misspoke?"  If I had said "LESSER YELLOWLEGS" but meant
"SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER," then I think a correction is necessary; but if it
is a "mis-speak," then what is the listserve protocol:  post a correction
or let it go?

Corrections always appreciated nevertheless!

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 10:43 AM, Sandy Wold <> wrote:

> I'll add to Dave's highlight...I showed up late as the fog was lifting,
> about 9:30am.  I arrived as three SAND HILL CRANES flew from behind me,
> calling loudly, and over me, exhilarating but too fast for me to get my
> camera in position!  I then saw 10 LESSER DOWITCHERS and yellowlegs.  I
> watched swallows and saw a flock fly under a bank out of view and then
> heard what sounded like sandpipers peeping from under the bank.  Then I
> asked the swallows to cooperate and let me get a good picture of one of
> them.  Shortly thereafter, a swallow started circling me about five feet
> away.  It was so close I could barely shoot it, but by the fifth time it
> circled me I did get two shots that confirmed a Bank Swallow by the neck
> marks and non-pointy tail.
> I finally caught up to Dave Nutter's group, about nine of us, including
> three visitors from NYC (a dad and two sons, Asher and Isaiah, who made a
> special trip to Montezuma at Isaiah's request).  Isaiah, age 15, is a
> serious long-time birder who told me (I asked) it was a photo of the
> Scarlet Tananger that got him into birding at age 9.  I hope to meet up
> with him to bird Central Park in September.  Anyway, the highlights for me
> were seeing the feeding behaviors of the RED-NECKED and WILSON'S PTHALAROPE
> (skimming for insects) vs. the yellow legs and dowitcher and seeing the
> STILT SANDPIPER with its head in the water more of the time than out of the
> water.   Lastly, we saw about eight GREEN-WINGED TEAL fly in.  It was a
> great day!!!  Thanks again, Dave!
>  * * * * * * * * *
> *"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come ALIVE, for what
> the world needs is people who have come ALIVE."  - Dr. Howard Thurman,
> American Theologian, Clergyman and Activist (1900-1981) *
> Sandra (Sandy) Wold
> Cayuga Basin Bioregion Map, Author/Originator/Designer/Publisher,
> <>
> Sustainability Educator/Artist,
> International Host/Landlord,
> Math/Science Tutor,


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