A trip along the wildlife drive at Montezuma just after 7 PM tMonday yielded 
some nice views at Eaton Marsh of a pair of Trumpeter Swans preening in the 
gorgeous evening light, while a rather mottled-looking American Golden-Plover 
picked along a ridge of mud behind them.  Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs were 
behaving in typical fall fashion, chasing and calling and being very vocal, 
while Short-billed and, I think, Long-billed Dowitchers continued to plumb the 
depths.   An American Bittern briefly hopped up into view, then settled down to 
stalk the far bank.  I was unable to relocate the Wilson's Snipe I had seen 
scuttling along near the road edge earlier, but was treated to the sight of 22 
Great Egrets (no leg bands) tucked in a corner of Benning Marsh farther along 
the drive.   As I scanned the cattail edges hoping for a Sora (no luck) parts 
of the Egret flock took off, in turn, to head to Eaton or to the middle of the 
drive out of view.   Bobolinks chwinked, Marsh wrens burbled, and Swamp 
Sparrows worked the treadle on their eternal sewing-machine sound as the light 
dimmed.  If you can see my posts on Facebook you'll see my pictures of the 
swans in the setting sun - such a breathtaking sight, poorly captured but still 
a joy to me!



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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
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3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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