Paul Anderson's report from his bird walk on Sunday at Sapsucker Woods,
Ithaca where he had 6 people show up on an iffy day.

We had an inauspicious start due to it being unpleasantly cold and wet and
with poor visibility. However, as we were waiting for people to arrive we
noticed a group of about twenty Cedar Waxwings in the tree just outside the
visitor center where they were carefully plucking berries and eating them.
We went round the Wilson trail and were surprised by how much activity
there was despite the weather. After about 30 minutes, the rain stopped.
The best spot was the platform overlooking the pond from which we saw lots
of Rusty Blackbirds, a very close Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and a Coopers Hawk
on a tree by the pond. A very nice day after all.

Don't forget, walks are Saturday and Sunday at 9AM throughout the winter.
All are welcome and walks are targeted towards beginners.

Hope to see you there.

Linda Orkin

Veganism is simply the acknowledgment that a replaceable and fleeting
pleasure isn't more valuable than someone's life and liberty.
~ Unknown

If you permit
this evil, what is the good
of the good of your life?

-Stanley Kunitz...


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