Yesterday I spent the day at home adding feeding stations. We had a
beautiful Yellow-rumped Warbler eating suet scraps from the deck railing -
he had the brightest and most distinct yellow crown I have ever seen on a
Y-r, not fuzzy at all like Sibley's. The male R-b Grosbeak was parked
alternately at the suet and new mixed seed feeder tray. Both goldfinches
and siskins at the nyger socks, and the usual gang of woodpeckers,
chickadees and nuthatches.

I erected a new pole in the garden with a big black oil sunflower seed
feeder on it. We haven't had a ground level pole since we moved to S Danby
Rd for fear of bears. This morning I found the pole uprooted and on its
side about ten feet from where it had stood, seed feeder empty and nyger
sock ripped up. I think a strong raccoon could have pushed it over with the
gravitational help of the heavy seed feeder, but I doubt that it would have
been dragged so far out of position, so I am guessing we might have a bear.
Tonight in better light I will examine the area for signs. I may re-erect
the pole and try to stay up to see who visits.

Our seed is in tight-lidded galvanized trash cans on the second story deck.
I am a bit concerned that we may be inviting disaster - stairs aren't a big

As much as I'd love to see a bear here, I would rather not.



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