There is urgent need for lovers of birds and wildlife along Dodge Rd. to be aware of imminent developments along Dodge Rd.

The massive industrial scale solar farm proposed in all the Cornell owned fields along Dodge Rd and Stevenson Rd (as well as Turkey Hill Rd.) is planning to start construction in a few weeks. There was a hearing in Dryden last Thursday at which many residents spoke out against the massive scale of the project which will devastate wildlife habitat.

We have just learned this morning from a member of the Dryden Conservation Board that they are proposing to cut down the Spruce Woods bordering the WEST side of Dodge Rd. because they will shadow the panels slated to go right along the very edge of Dodge R. next to a (barbed-wire topped) fence!

If you are concerned about this assault and the effect of replacing all the grassland in the fields with sod under the panels (and herbicides???), please write immediately to the Dryden Town Board and ATTEND THE PLANNING BOARD MEETING scheduled on THIS Thursday March 23, at 7pm at the Dryden Town Hall on Main Street.

Please express your opinion that may help reduce the scale of this commercial operation that will devastate wildlife in this favorite location for viewing wildlife!

 Nari & Gin Mistry

 Ellis Hollow rd.


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