Monday, Nov. 13 will be the Cayuga Bird Club's monthly meeting.
 Our speaker this month is Dr. Emma Greig (Ph.D., University of Chicago). She 
joined the Citizen Science program at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in 2013 as 
the project leader of Feederwatch. Prior to joining the Citizen Science team, 
Emma was a postdoc in the Macaulay Library at the Lab of Ornithology, working 
with Mike Webster (2010-2013), and now continues to collaborate with the 
"Weblab" on questions related to behavioral ecology and evolution in birds. 
Emma's dissertation looked at the function of Splendid Fairy-wren 
vocalizations, including the enigmatic Type II� song that is given in 
association with predator vocalizations. 
 Dr. Greig's presentation is entitled: Stories from Project FeederWatch: What 
We Have Learned from 30 Years of Counting BirdsProject FeederWatch is a 
continent-wide bird counting effort in which people keep track of the birds 
that visit their feeders in winter. We will learn about how the program works, 
and perhaps more importantly, what we have learned from 30 years of data 
collection. Why are Anna's Hummingbirds expanding their range? Is feeding birds 
harmful or helpful? Project FeederWatch data provides insights into both of 
these questions, and many more. The meeting will be held at the Cornell 
Laboratory of Ornithology. Doors open at 7:00 pm with cookies and conversation 
starting at 7:15. Bird club business begins at 7:30 pm followed by the 
presentation. All are welcome. Members are also invited to join Emma Grieg for 
dinner at Aladdin's in Collegetown just before the meeting at 5:30. Please rsvp 
to Colleen Richards @ by noon on Mon., Nov.13, so reservations 
can be made.
Have a great week everyone.Colleen Richards
Cayuga Bird Club
Corresponding Secretary
One Trick to Catch a Liar
The Beacon

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