We had a big "goose" flight down here too.  skies were filled, birds were 
quite high up so you had to really look. Many snows at least from my home. All 
birds were heading northwest toward Finger Lakes....
    On Wednesday, March 13, 2019, 6:26:05 PM EDT, Kevin J. McGowan 
<k...@cornell.edu> wrote:  
 A few lunch-time observers at the Cornell Lab today saw hundreds of Red-winged 
Blackbirds and Grackles migrating past, but the big deal was the number of 
geese going over. For the almost hour I was out there on "Mt Sapsucker," the 
hill by the parking lots, one of our enthusiasts counted 22,600 Canada Geese, a 
few hundred Snow Geese, and 22 Cackling Geese. Before we came out, my son, Jay, 
had a small group of greater White-fronted Geese, and at least one Ross's Goose.
Few raptors, though. We were all hoping for Golden Eagles, but had to make do 
with a few Red-tailed Hawks, and singles of Red-shouldered Hawk and Northern 
Essentially every minute of my hour, we had skeins of Canada Geese in view. It 
was almost exhausting trying to look at every flock. During the brief moments 
when we didn't have geese overhead, if you looked with your binoculars into the 
distance, you could always find dozens of distant flocks.
An impressive migration day. Too bad I had to spend most of it inside behind a 

From: bounce-123424683-3493...@list.cornell.edu 
<bounce-123424683-3493...@list.cornell.edu> on behalf of Donna Lee Scott 
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 6:12 PM
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] RWBB /other spring signs FOY Red Winged Blackbird on 
Algerine Rd, Lansing. Male on top of lone tree near frozen pond. 
26 Wild Turkeys on Davis Rd up the hill southeast of Algerine. None displaying. 
A few days ago neighbor at 581 Lansing Station Rd reported 2 mature Bald Eagles 
exhibiting courting behavior over lake & in tree in their yard. "Two eagles "in 
love" they called it. 
Donna ScottLansingSent from my iPhone--Cayugabirds-L List Info:Welcome and 
BasicsRules and InformationSubscribe, Configuration and LeaveArchives:The Mail 
ArchiveSurfbirdsBirdingOnThe.NetPlease submit your observations toeBird!---- 
Cayugabirds-L List Info: Welcome and Basics Rules and Information Subscribe, 
Configuration and Leave Archives: The Mail Archive Surfbirds BirdingOnThe.Net 
Please submit your observations to eBird! --  

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