For what it's worth, at Mill Pond in Aurora/Union Springs today, we saw,
among the 20 or so Red Head Ducks, about 12 American Wigeons. We asked the
Audubon Center guy, Chris, who said, "yes they are still around much longer
than usual".
There were also Mallards and Hooded Mergansers.
Therese & Earl

On Wed, Jan 1, 2020 at 11:12 PM Dave Nutter <> wrote:

> Here’s a brief run-down of what was reported at the compilation this
> evening. Some numbers may be revised. Species only found by a single party
> I hope to find out where & by whom. Many species had below average numbers.
> Here are the species that were found, grouped by 5s:
> Canada Goose 2770
> Wood Duck 1 (Scott Sutcliffe et al, somewhere on W side of lake)
> Gadwall 4 (area 9, hoping for details)
> American Black Duck 2 (Dave Nutter, Hog Hole)
> Mallard 458
> 5
> Canvasback 1 (area 9, hoping for details)
> Redhead 3700 (may be kept despite similar number from 3 areas)
> Greater Scaup 5
> Lesser Scaup 6
> White-winged Scoter 1 (Dave Nutter, W side of lake)
> 10
> Long-tailed Duck 2 (area 9, hoping for details)
> Bufflehead 3 (area 8, hoping for details)
> Common Goldeneye 133
> Common Merganser 11
> Hooded Merganser 30
> 15
> Ruddy Duck 6 (possibly same 3 counted from areas 7 & 8)
> Ring-necked Pheasant 1 (by ? on Pheasant Walk, Caroline)
> Ruffed Grouse 6
> Wild Turkey 58
> Common Loon 5
> 20
> Pied-billed Grebe 6
> Red-necked Grebe 1 (Chris Wood, N of E Shore Park)
> Double-crested Cormorant 4 (SE part of Cayuga L)
> Great Blue Heron 2
> Turkey Vulture 67 HIGH
> 25
> Northern Harrier 1 (area 8, hoping for details)
> Sharp-shinned Hawk 5
> Cooper’s Hawk  7
> Bald Eagle 16 (HIGH but may be revised if double-counted)
> Red-tailed Hawk 118
> 30
> Rough-legged Hawk 2
> American Coot 4 (area 8, hoping for details)
> Ring-billed Gull 458
> Herring Gull 1084
> Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 (at Cornell Compost & Stewart Park)
> 35
> Great Black-backed Gull 133
> Rock Pigeon 1286
> Mourning Dove 439
> Eastern Screech-Owl 22
> Great Horned Owl 5
> 40
> Barred Owl 2
> Belted Kingfisher 5
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 251
> Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1 (by ? at Kendal)
> Downy Woodpecker 390
> 45
> Hairy Woodpecker 148
> Northern Flicker 21
> Pileated Woodpecker 37
> American Kestrel 2
> Merlin 5 HIGH
> 50
> Eastern Phoebe 1 (by ? near Quarry & Ellis Hollow Rds)
> Blue Jay 1144
> American Crow 1541
> Fish Crow 15
> Common Raven 37
> 55
> Black-capped Chickadee 2078
> Tufted Titmouse 425
> Red-breasted Nuthatch 18
> White-breasted Nuthatch 407
> Brown Creeper 16
> 60
> House Wren 1 (by John Fitzpatrick? location?)
> Winter Wren 2
> Carolina Wren 84
> Golden-crowned Kinglet 52
> Ruby-crowned Kinglet 6 HIGH
> 65
> Eastern Bluebird 54
> American Robin 22
> Gray Catbird 1 (Phil McNeil, Jackie & Patrick Marr on Freeville-Dryden
> Trail)
> Northern Mockingbird 5
> European Starling 2118 (to be raised)
> 70
> Cedar Waxwing 33
> Snow Bunting 1 (by John Fitzpatrick over Caroline School)
> Yellow-rumped Warbler 7
> American Tree Sparrow 209 (to be raised)
> Chipping Sparrow 2
> 75
> Field Sparrow 3 (area 8, hoping for details)
> Dark-eyed Junco 706
> White-crowned Sparrow 2 (feeder on German Cross Rd)
> White-throated Sparrow 124
> Song Sparrow 89
> 80
> Swamp Sparrow 9
> Northern Cardinal 456
> Red-winged Blackbird 1 (by? near Calkins Rd)
> Brown-headed Cowbird 2
> House Finch 325
> 85
> Purple Finch 5
> Pine Siskin 1 (feeder on Hinging Post Rd)
> American Goldfinch 440
> House Sparrow 498
> 89
> Initial tally was said to be 90 species, so maybe I missed one?
> Species already found during Count Week (29-31 Dec, 2019):
> Red-breasted Merganser (Nutter, SW Cayuga L 31 Dec )
> Others?
> Some species to seek for Count Week (2-4 Jan, 2020):
> Greater White-fronted Goose
> Snow Goose
> Cackling Goose
> Mute Swan family of 3 if they enter count circle near Myers
> Tundra Swan
> American Wigeon
> Northern Shoveler
> Northern Pintail
> Green-winged Teal
> Ring-necked Duck
> Tufted Duck
> Surf Scoter
> Black Scoter
> Red-throated Loon
> Horned Grebe
> Wilson’s Snipe
> Bonaparte’s Gull
> Iceland Gull
> Glaucous Gull
> Long-eared Owl
> Short-eared Owl
> Peregrine Falcon
> Northern Shrike
> Horned Lark
> Hermit Thrush
> American Pipit
> Lapland Longspur
> Fox Sparrow
> Savannah Sparrow
> Eastern Towhee
> Eastern Meadowlark
> Rusty Blackbird
> Common Grackle
> Common Redpoll
> - - Dave Nutter
> --
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