For a broader view of the sky than my driveway, my Loon Watch this morning from 
6:40am to 9:40am was from the north end of the NYS-89 bridge over the Flood 
Control Channel. There were loons, but it didn’t seem like a big obvious 
migration. Maybe the wind and temperature were not enough to trigger a huge 
movement. Maybe the birds who were more intent on migrating left the valley 
somewhere over the lake to go directly south, passing west of Ithaca. Maybe I 
missed some - it’s spooky the way a single loon will suddenly appear high 
nearly overhead, and sometimes it will soon suddenly have others with it that 
were also invisible moments earlier. 

The valley bends a bit here, SSE from Myers to here, then SSW from here to 
Robert Treman, and the loons don’t all react the same way. Some follow the 
valley with a fairly smooth turn. Some get indecisive - one turned clockwise in 
more than a complete circle before continuing up the valley. Early on I saw 3 
loons together at intervals of a couple minute going various directions, and my 
guess is that it was the same family every time. Some loons appear following 
the valley and seem to ignore the bend to continue straight toward South Hill, 
but I lose sight before finding out whether they continue SSE, or use South 
Hill’s updraft for extra elevation, or they make a late turn and continue SSW 
up Inlet Valley. A few loons - including a group of 8 - went E overhead, which 
I simply don’t understand. Most of the instances of northbound loons were 
singles, but there was also a northbound group of 4.  

How many Common Loons did I see flying this morning? If I assumed all 
individuals seen were unique it would be 110, but subtracting the birds who did 
not end up going more-or-less south last I saw them, and assuming that the 
birds who went back north didn’t change their minds again and come south again 
(except that trio which I imagine was parents with a reluctant youngster), I 
think the number was 80.

- - Dave Nutter


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