Yesterday I saw 34 Common Loons on the southern part of Cayuga Lake. I was 
scoping from the lakeshore at Allan H Treman State Marine Park, and with air 
temperatures in the 40s - close to the water temperature, there was not much 
distortion, so I was able to discern the heads of loons pretty far north. All 
but one of the loons were farther north than a feeding flock of 100 Common 
Mergansers, so the loons were by no means crowding Treman and Stewart Parks, 
nor hungry enough to compete for whatever attracted the attention of the 
smaller Common Mergansers. Still, I think 34 Common Loons is a significant 
presence. I figure it means that either the remaining loons on the lake are 
numerous enough to simply spread this far south, or that they are nudging 
southward in anticipation of migration. At any rate they haven’t all left, and 
it’s getting toward the season - the 3rd week of November - when we see big 
loon migration events, according to eBird records (which are unavailable for 
the next 2 days due to eBird data housekeeping). 

There was definite loon flight and migration on November 2nd and the 12th, 
although not as numerous as some hoped. The conditions have mostly continued to 
argue against migration, with either calm, or winds from the south, or 
precipitation. This morning there was snow in the air. That unhelpful pattern 
will continue through Sunday the 22nd, which is as far as the NWS hourly 
weather graph ventures to predict, with the possible exception of tomorrow.

Tonight temperatures are predicted to fall below freezing, and the chance of 
snow is over 60% in the middle of the night, or about 2 to 1 in favor of 
precipitation. I figure that such wintry weather should get the attention of 
loons and remind them that migration is a good idea. The winds will be from the 
NW (ideal), and by dawn about 11 mph (good) and rising (better), but the chance 
of precipitation will be dropping through 30% (2 to 1 against precipitation). 
Whether we will have enough of a break in any snowfall early enough for the 
loons to decide it’s a good day to migrate is still “up in the air” (sorry, I 
couldn’t resist). Even if they take off, there’s the matter of cloud ceiling, 
for which I have no information, although I’m sure other folks do. Loons might 
leave Cayuga Lake and head up the valley but have to turn back if the valley is 
ultimately blocked by clouds. That would mean we get to see them 3 times, as 
they try going south, get turned back, and try again another day.

Anyway, it looks to me like tomorrow morning (Wednesday 18 November) is the 
best chance of loon migration for awhile. While the following days all have 
much less chance of precipitation, the winds will argue against migration: On 
Thursday, Friday, and Sunday at daybreak the winds are predicted to be about 
10mph from S, SW, and S respectively. On Saturday the wind should be lighter 
but from the W, which is also not helpful. 

So anyway, I intend to be watching for airborne loons again tomorrow, and I 
hope others will, too. If anyone else has ideas about the chance of loon 
migration tomorrow - or any other day - I welcome hearing other analyses. Also, 
I have only looked at weather, in my limited way, for Cayuga Lake, not Lake 

- - Dave Nutter

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