Has this been reported in any of the local presses? That might be a
good place to start increasing awareness.
More generally, I'm not finding any web presence at all describing
this issue with any authority.

Are the homeowners along the lakeshore and nearby aware of this? They
would seem most likely to be directly impacted, and most motivated to
actively do something about it.


On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 3:18 PM Bard Prentiss <bvanwoer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   The Dryden Lake that we know and love is in serious danger of reverting to
> its primitive original form as a shallow pond.
>   The dam is beginning to leak a bit and its current owner NYS DEC
>  may not wish to spend the money for a proper replacement of concrete
> nor are they interested in repairing and maintaining the current dam.
> The town is also resistant to assuming the costs and responsibility for
> either idea, although there has been a dam there since the late1700s.
>   It is unlikely given the way things happen these days that the dam will
> be allowed to just rot away. It will probably have to be destroyed soon,
> for liability reasons, and the lake drained to primitive levels.
>   Such action would dramatically effect the lives of persons throughout the
> region. The lake would, in effect, become relatively useless to its current
> large, diverse crop of users. It would have little appeal to the large number
> of boaters currently dotting its waters throughout the warmer
> months. Its shallow nature would limit the species of fish that
> could live there to pan fish.
>   The current Dryden Lake Park would be difficult to justify and the trail
> would have little relationship to the remaining pond.
>  The current lake’s great value to birders and naturalists
> would be seriously reduced.
>   The lake attracts thousands of visitors yearly
> for all the activities mentioned above as well as for public gatherings,
> picnicking and relaxing.
>   The loss of the lake would have a major economic impact on the region.
> It would be truly serious for the area to loose Dryden Lake.
> We can’t let it happen!
> Attached is a resolution by the Town of Dryden
> Conservation Board.
>   To strengthen the case for keeping a dam individuals might write to
> the NYSDEC Region 7, Fisher Ave, Cortland, N Y 13045 and the
> Dryden Town Board, 93 E Main St. Dryden, N Y 13053 expressing
> the importance of the lake to them personally.
>   PS: Feel free to post this any where it might further spread the word.
> --
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