Thank-you to *everybody* for your patience, persistence, & communication 
regarding finding, refinding, and documenting this super-rare European bird, 
the Tundra Bean-Goose. As I said before, this is only the second NYS record, 
while the first record was only last March, and probably the same bird, also on 
northbound migration in the eastern part of the state. There are a lot of 
birders with cameras, but photography has been very challenging, and few 
reports even include unique photos, let alone detailed, focused, or complete 
views of the bird. I think Sandy Podulka has finally submitted some photos to 
eBird which give us all - and history - a satisfying view. If anyone else has 
photos or video which even document some single field mark or behavior well for 
this bird, please do not hesitate to add them to your eBird reports. 

- - Dave Nutter

Begin forwarded message:

> From:
> Date: March 15, 2022 at 1:35:33 AM EDT
> To:
> Subject: [eBird Alert] Seneca County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>
> *** Species Summary:
> - Tundra Bean-Goose (1 report)
> ---------------------------------------------
> Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Seneca County Rare Bird Alert.  The 
> report below shows observations of rare birds in Seneca County.  View or 
> unsubscribe to this alert at
> NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated.
> eBird encourages our users to bird safely, responsibly, and mindfully. Please 
> follow the recommendations of your local health authorities and respect any 
> active travel restrictions in your area. For more information visit: 
> Tundra Bean-Goose (Anser serrirostris) (1)
> - Reported Mar 14, 2022 16:16 by Sandy Podulka
> - Savannah Mucklands (Seneca Co.), Seneca, New York
> - Map: 
> - Checklist:
> - Media: 6 Photos
> - Comments: "Continuing, originally found on Seneca Lake, then seen here, and 
> then re-found by Tim Lenz today. Thanks to Scott Peterson for patiently 
> showing me and others the bird."
> ***********
> You received this message because you are subscribed to eBird's Seneca County 
> Rare Bird Alert
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> eBird Alerts provide recent reports of regionally or seasonally rare species 
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