Merlin known nesting results for Tompkins County
In 2020 there were 7 known, incubated nests with 4 fledged broods, plus two 
sets of fledglings with no known nest, plus 2 pair with no known nest, for a 
total of 11 Merlin pairs.
In 2021 there were 6 known, incubated nests with 4 fledged broods, plus 2 sets 
of fledglings with no known nest, plus 3 pair with no known nest, for a total 
of 11 pairs.
This year, 2022, there were 7 known, incubated nest sites with 4 fledged 
broods, plus 1 set of  fledglings with no known nest, and two pairs with no 
known nest, for a total of 10 pairs.
Again, the tabulation for our county depends greatly on reports from many 
birders. Thanks to so many, especially eBird reporters. I'm sorry if I've 
forgotten some contributors in the tally below. 
Merlin Summary, 2022

109 Sycamore.                  Thanks to Ken, Olivia,Anne, and Sheila

Successful                           Two fledged youngobserved on 14 July

Yellow Barn Rd.                Thanksto Lee Ann, Jay, and Charleen

Successful                           Threeor four fledglings. 

Madison, Hancock, 3rdSt. Thanks to Paul 

Unknown.                            Pair. But no nesting known.

Jennings Pond.                  Thanks to John, Bill, andGerard 

Successful                           Foundas fledgling begged for food. At 
least 1 fledgling. 

 Crescent Place, Hawthorn,Pearsall. Thanks to Carol, Diane, Stephanie, and John

Failed.                                  Female seen onnest on two occasions. 
Nest failed. Landowner hates hawks.


Forest Home Dr. bridge.    Thanksto Anonymous, and Peter

Failed.                                  Female seenincubating on two 
occasions, but nest failed. 

Marina, boat ramp.             Thanks to Laura, Ton, David,Peter, Sandy

Failed.                                  Pairseen carrying food to nest, yet 
nest failed. 

Oak Ave.                              Thanks to Lynn,Keigan, Zack

Successful.                          Veryearly pair. Fledged 2 and probably 3 
young in late June 


Trumansburg (Grove Cemetery).  Thanksto John (same as Jennings Pond), and 

Successful.                          At least one fledgling

 The Parkway.                     Thanks to Gwen

Unknown                             Known pair, but no known nest


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