Come join the Cayuga Bird Club's October meeting:   
Monday, October 10, 2022
7:30pm, Cornell Lab of Ornithology "Birding South Texas" will feature photos 
taken by our outgoing president, Suan Yong, as he  spent a week in South Texas 
to windsurf, visit friends, and do some birding. Despite the relatively short 
trip he managed to amass a large collection of nice bird photos and videos, 
including many of the South Texas specials in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. He 
invites us to relive this trip as he shares a selection of photos and videos, 
and some tips to help plan one's own trip to this very birdy corner of the 
nation. About the Speaker: Suan Yong is a retired software engineer and the 
outgoing president of the Cayuga Bird Club. He has regularly lead many birding 
field trips for the Cayuga Bird Club and at the Lab of Ornithology, and enjoys 
the challenge of photographing birds. His other hobbies include hockey, 
windsurfing, and playing clarinet in the Ithaca Concert Band and Ithaca 
Community Orchestra. 
 Members are invited to join Suan for dinner at the Ithaca Sumo restaurant 
(Cayuga Mall on Triphammer Rd.) just before the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Please 
RSVP to Colleen Richards at by noon Monday so reservations can 
be made.    NOTE: This meeting will be LIVE, at the Lab of Ornithology 
Auditorium. Doors open at 7, meeting starts at 7:30 and ends at 9 SHARP. We 
will record the meeting and make the link available on our Facebook page and on 
our website at a later date.

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