Friends, In the last few days, Ospreys were seen at MNWR and at the top of Seneca Lake. Next stop: Ithaca... any day. Keep your eyes to the sky.
Please contribute to a long-term study on area Osprey populations by reporting active Osprey nests in the Finger Lakes to me at * <>*. *Thank you!* Enjoy reading about our local Ospreys in *On Osprey Time: Ospreys of the Finger Lakes <> *. New location is ( Eyes to the Sky! Candace Cornell *HELP PROTECT OSPREYS:* •Stay 300 feet away from nests during the breeding season. If the Osprey vocalizes, you are too close! Back off Immediately. •Carry binoculars to view wildlife from afar. •Help keep local waters clean, healthy, and safe. •Recycle used fishing lines, twine, and nets, which can kill Osprey. •Join the Cayuga Osprey Network and volunteer to help monitor Osprey nests: cec22@ <> -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) 2) 3) Please submit your observations to eBird: --