Numbers weren't high in the windy weather at MNWR today, but some nice sights anyway!
2 Sandhill Cranes at the pond by the visitor center this AM, along with a number of Northern Pintails, Green-winged Teals, and at least one American Black Duck x Mallard. Plus of course some watchful Canadian geese. A small flock of Sandhill Cranes landed in the water along the shore below the drive up at the Marsellus-Knox marsh just as we got there, and stayed for a good while (a small group of dabblers also there among a few Canadian geese, but the angle of the bright spring sun had them silhouetted, preventing a good look to say what kind). Then, in the Savannah marsh, a pair of Trumpeter swans landed, also just as we got there, for a languid bit of preening in the sun. In the water beyond, a little too far for us to be able to say for sure, a pair of American Wigeons (we think) shared some late morning peace and quiet, windy weather notwithstanding. All in all, a lovely early spring morning in the Finger Lakes. Eveline Ferretti Public Programs & Communication Administrator Mann Library / Cornell University Library -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) 2) 3) Please submit your observations to eBird: --