On Thursday, I saw a flock of several thousand snow geese, circled over Iradell 
Road, Trumansburg a couple of times before heading off north.

On Friday, from my place on Sheffield Road, Ithaca (west of Ithaca, 
Ithaca/Enfield townline), I saw several hundreds rise up just above the tree 
line to the east so I assume they were on the lake and flew up and then flew 
down out of sight.

And yesterday, I saw a flock of hundreds heading southeast over Sheffield Road.

Today, I saw a flock of a few hundred over Sheffield Road and heading southwest.


From: bounce-127964892-83565...@list.cornell.edu 
<bounce-127964892-83565...@list.cornell.edu> On Behalf Of Duane
Sent: Sunday, January 7, 2024 3:05 PM
Cc: CAYUGABIRDS-L <cayugabird...@list.cornell.edu>
Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] snow geese

It has been an interesting day for geese.  Had a flock (I assume the same one) 
fly over our house in Lansing about 5 times this morning.   Wondering if they 
were trying to go to Myers area and deciding against it but couldn't find 
anything they liked off the lake.

Had a couple hundred snow geese and a couple separate flocks of Canadas near 
Trumansburg.  Snow Geese headed north and Canada flocks headed south. The first 
flock of Canadas were still jostling for position as they flew over.

Duane and Rita

On Sun, Jan 7, 2024, 2:59 PM Donna Lee Scott 
<d...@cornell.edu<mailto:d...@cornell.edu>> wrote:
About 1.5 hours ago I saw a few thousand Snow Geese flying in a southerly 
direction over Ithaca, and the lake, probably.
They were seen from the NW side of the Kendal (Cayuga Hts) loop sidewalk , and 
were west of the west side Kendal property line.

Donna L Scott

377 Savage Farm Dr
Ithaca, NY 14850

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