Folks it's a great time to visit the Refuge.
On our survey yesterday (11/19) we had 252 cranes at the Visitor Center
alone. Literally thousands  of ducks (mostly divers) on the Main Pool -
including over 500 ruddy ducks, a couple of hundred canvassbacks, over a
thousand redheads, hundreds of ringneck and some common and hooded mergs
and even some scaup.....not to mention hundreds of geese, and over 100
tundra swans (many more swans to come!)- and Coots and grebes are still
present as well. Even some species of dabblers remain although it appears
many have left us.
In viewing the scene through the unique window Montezuma offers, one cannot
help but feel of a sense of  urgency as the Season inexorably  progresses.
This window will soon be closing, so come visit and experience a sense of
the awe, wonder and mystery that comes from witnessing the enormous
waterfowl migration currently taking place across the continent.
Hope yo see you there!
Pete Saracino/Refuge Volunteer Naturalist


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