Last year in mid-December, folks were seeing flocks of thousands of Snow Geese 
in the Cayuga Basin. It doesn't appear that is the case this year.  The colder 
air and northerly winds last week seemed to only produce southbound flocks of 
Canada Geese.  Is the main flight of Snows still to our north, or did they pass 
southward to our east or west this year?  Or is avian flu the culprit?  I saw a 
note a few days ago of people in Kansas seeing Snow Geese fall out of the sky 
there (carcasses later testing positive for avian flu).

Bill Evans

Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2024 8:57 AM
Subject: Snow geese

I just had a small flock of snow geese fly low over my house near Auburn on rt 
20. They were flying west. 


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