On 2011-03-15 04:17, xiaoxiao wrote:
> Have anyone ever considered to build up a mapping between .o file and
> its output? If so, why ccache did not provide such feature. If not, do
> you think it is a reasonable feature for ccache to reduce the time for
> linking in a compilation?

It would certainly be possible to teach ccache about this, but my
current feeling is that the cost of implementing it (both in terms of
developer time and increased code complexity) may not be worth the
potential gain. Not much of ccache's source code can be reused for such
functionality. I also suspect that the cache hit/miss ratio for the
linking step generally will be low since the linker output changes
whenever any source code of the entire program/library has changed.

I'm not totally against the idea, though, but I'm personally not
interested in investating it further for the moment. But if you or
anybody else are willing to prototype it, be my guest. :-)

-- Joel
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