Hello all,

I believe ccache is an incredibly useful application (which is why I'm
introducing it at my work place).
Besides the great performance improvements for builds, I particularly
like this feature mentioned on the front page:

> Is it safe?
> Yes. The most important aspect of a compiler cache is to always produce 
> exactly the same output that the real compiler would produce. This includes 
> providing exactly the same object files and exactly the same compiler 
> warnings that would be produced if you use the real compiler. The only way 
> you should be able to tell that you are using ccache is the speed.

Ccache is really good at giving the same results as the actual
compiler. I know, there may be a few exceptions, but those should be
kept to a minimum.

Performance is an important aspect, but it seems better to me to
prefer the safe option (right now, that's preprocessing made, perhaps
in the future it can be a 'safe direct mode'), rather than the fast
Application defaults (this is my personal opinion of course) benefit
from being safe. It's always possible for users to go with a more
advanced option if they do feel confident.

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