Suggest you use rack rentals to familiarize yourself with all the hardware and 
do a few labs.
Then get some local hardware phones connecting to the pod remotely. You can 
then decide whether to do it yourself as it is expensive to put everything 
together. The rack rental guide shows all the hw sw needed. Good 
luck with your studies.

On 7 Dec 2011, at 01:05, Muhammad Zubair <> wrote:

> Hi All
> i am planning to start studying for CCIE Voice. i need help to prepare my own 
> lab at home. but no idea how to do that. i had prepare something on VM and 
> GNS3 but PSTN is the problem. if i want to prepare in real means with real 
> equipments than how many routers required and how to make that.  i can 
> arrange one 2821 with FXO, 2600 and one PoE switch. is this enough ? can 
> anyone guide me how to start and how to prepare a good lab which can fulfill 
> this need.
> -- 
> Muhammad Zubair
> Mob :      +973-36613334 / +973-66338466
> Email:
> Skype:     muhammad.zubairr
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