Question: are both "UCM VOBs" UCM _component_ VOBs?
Another raft of questions:
Is the other component in the same project?
What is the name of your Project VOB?
If it's not one of the other 2 VOBs, you need to make the activity in THAT VOB since an activity is metadata that lives in the PVOB.

This sounds like you are actually using 2 separate projects, PVOBs, and components for development and QA activities. You will actually need to be copying across views, in addition to VOBs.

I think you need to look closer at what you're doing because this isn't really the best way to go. You are setting up some serious future pain since there is no real UCM link between dev and QA actions/activities.

Brian Cowan
Staff Software Engineer - ClearCase NT/Unix
Rational Software
IBM Software Group
81 Hartwell Ave
Lexington, MA

Phone: 1.781.372.3580
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dw-ratdisc-admin/Raleigh/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

06/02/2006 03:17 PM

Please respond to

[cciug] changing VOB with cleartool

I am trying to set up some automated scripts to basically compile our software components and then copy the released binaries to our quality assurance vob.

both VOBs are UCM vobs. I am very new to clearcase and am struggling with the clear tool stuff, I can seem to do everything i need fine using the gui tools.

Here is the basics of what I am trying to do

1. update a view of the source location
2. build the code (this doesn't need to be checked back to the source integration stream)
3. make an activity on the QA compiilation stream
4. make the path for the binary
5. copy the binary to the QA vob (using DOS copy is fine)
6. check in all the files I have put on the QA vob
7. deliver the compilation QA stream to the integration QA stream
8. make a new basline
9. recommend the new baseline

I am currently stuck on step4, trying to create the activity. I am using mkactivity in the following way

<pre>cleartool mkactivity -in stream:[EMAIL PROTECTED] compile_200606021336

and getting the error "Error: Object is in unexpected VOB:"

I am assuming that I need to change the active vob to the sxQA one, but I have no idea how to do this.

My second question, and the reason I put all those steps in this post, is there an easier way of doing this than using cleartool?

Finally if the answer to the second question is no, what would you recommend for creating the script for this in, I was undecided between perl and jscript.

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