Hmmm -  I am not sure about the value of this - one expects the longer
floppier side chains to have very different B values for the CB than the

The program BAVERAGE gives you a plot of mean B value residue by residue..

*baverage* - averages B over main and side chain atoms
*baverage XYZIN* *foo_in.pdb* *RMSTAB* ** *XYZOUT*
[Keyworded input <>]

A very simple minded program to read a PDB file, tabulate to RMSTAB the
average B values residue by residue (main chain and side chain separately)
and the RMS deviation of the B values from this mean. It also outputs a PDB
file with outlying B factors reset to lie within the given range.

On Fri, 5 Jan 2024 at 03:08, <> wrote:

> Dear CCP4 community,
>  I found that Refmac5 refined the temperature factor only by four modes
> (see the bottom of the attached figure). However, no
> grouped B-factor (one or two per residue instead of one per atom) was
> found.
>  Actually, PHENIX and CNS can do it. But we are not familiar with both
> software. I want to know whether Refmac5 refines one or
> two group B per residue (for side and main chains) grouped temperature
> factor?
>  Any help would be highly appreciated
>  Thanks in advance.
> best,
>  Zhonghao Chen
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